Happy New Week all.
Big surprise this morning!!! Heard a knock on the front door at 8:15 and thought it was the neighbor who'd just had a load of bricks delivered to their driveway, but NO!! It was my granddaughter, with a basket of flowers, champagne, scones she'd baked plus jars of lemon and raspberry curd on a spur-of-the-moment trip to celebrate my birthday early!! I was amazed and thrilled. She had a few days off what with shift changes, etc., and since we don't get to spend a lot of "just us" time, she decided to drive here to spend a day with me and OH without the rest of the family buzzing about. She even made dinner reservations at our favorite restaurant in Montecito! You can't believe how thrilled I was - and so happy - what a special treat. She's off to her Mom's tomorrow (daughter is not aware she's in town at all, so that'll be another unexpected treat) and they'll spend the day together before she drives back to Arizona on Monday. So happy!
Will respond to posts tomorrow, but in the meantime, take care everyone. :-)))))
Good evening. No new snow for several hours, and a partial thaw – which has made tomorrow morning more likely to be hazardous! OH did spend an hour clearing snow from top of cars and clearing access to the road for Jonathan tomorrow morning; we shan’t know until early morning whether school is closed again, as Heads decide on a daily basis.
Birds have been very entertaining today at every feeding opportunity, but still waiting for our first bramblings, who usually come (one male and one female) with the first real snowfall. However, we have been enjoying visits from occasional, and increasing, Tree Sparrows, which seem to come with the various Finches, rather than alongside the House Sparrows. OH took some photos of the Tree Sparrows yesterday.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
bjane- lovely to hear about your cats, I would like to take on an old cat but it would have to be alright with dogs. My last two cats got on very well with my dog, although they were not too happy when my family visited with their dogs, and kept well out of the way.
Been enjoying the discussions about Cats and Dogs, having had both separately and together.
Sorry we have not had an update from GEORGE about Diesel (also a Spaniel!) today.
I hope that ANNETTE's wee Terrier gets a good home.
OG if ever I had wanted a dog I would have gone for a rescue...
Does Daisy come in that catagory?
The 2 cats that flew with us to Scotland many years ago were found in a ditch in the New Forest.
My birds have been ravenous with 30 Goldfinches queuing on my Rowan tree along with all the usual suspects.
Normally we have had many Siskins but apart from one once none .
More Longtailed Tits than usual but they swoop together and disappear just as quickly.
WENDY. Our three cats were rescued - by their mother who brought them to us from the farm; she weaned them and then left them and returned by herself - maybe she had seen too many of her kittens disposed of there! Our first dog adopted us and then legitimately moved in (overlapping two of the cats). Our Spaniels were a mistake - puppies needing a home, and we took two, but couldn't keep them both, so the male was moved on to be the only dog in a household and we kept the bitch. We haven't seen any Siskins at all this winter, which is very unusual; we don't get Long Tailed Tits here - nearest ones I know of are at WWT Caerlaverock. We had a great variety of Gulls here today - coming around the houses rather than braving the coastal chill!
OG we only get gulls when farmer is ploughing.
We do have 2 female and 2 male Woodpeckers... we know that as the girls feed seperatly to the boys.
Never ever see a Magpie but have had a Jay over the last couple of years.
It was a farmer I gather who dumped our 2 cats along with 4 others...Grrrr
Rita- Ozzie and Gidget are not bothered by dogs that come into the house but Missy was a stray that got tree'ed by a dog when she trespassed through his backyard. Neighbors knew I had been feeding her and came and told me. Nothing would do but wait until she came down on her own 2 days later. I brought her in shortly after and I am her whole world. When anyone comes over she heads under the bed. She will come out when my daughter is over because she is in a wheelchair and so was my OH so Missy figures she must be ok.