Yikes! I remember writing 1950 for the first time on a paper at St. Theresa's!! :-(
Happy New Week.
Morning CLARE and LINDY and ALL
The unprecedented pressure on A and E departments seems to have been building up for some time and ditto difficulties in getting appointments at GP surgeries. It seems that the two are connected and the system is at crisis point. There is a notice in our local A and E saying that if you've had a condition for three days it is not an emergency - or words to that effect. Maybe they should go back to the old name of Casualty. And my own thoughts are that some folk run straight to the GP with the smallest ailments that could be treated with common sense and/or a trip to the pharmacist. (Like in the Olden Days!)
LINDA- I hope that you had a good time in Chester and that you are feeling a bit better.
I have hardly even lurked here for a few days, so won't try commenting on the few posts I have read, sorry. I just haven't felt like communicating, don't fully know why! I shall try harder to come out of wherever the usual "I" am hiding! All the normal stuff is going on here - and got the tidying and flinging urge again!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
I see we can post now. I heard from Margo that she had tried to post this afternoon and all she could see was a page saying that there was a fault.
I went shopping today and bought myself four new jumpers / tops which were much cheaper than before Christmas, from my favourite shop. I hope Linda had as much success in Chester, which is somewhere I always like to visit and shop.
Heather I do agree with you, some people do use A & E instead of their GP and use their GP for the slightest thing. So much time and money is wasted by these people.
Hi OG. January is always a quiet month. We have very little news after the holiday and we are now suffering from that "anticlimax" we often feel after Christmas and New Year. I guess we have all been catching up with getting back to the normal routine :(( Cheer up, Spring is coming :))
OG - Isn't it strange how the flinging out bug strikes at this time of year? Or maybe not so odd. New Year and all that. I nearly flung out my OH just now- he complained that I had not replaced two files into the filing cabinet. I had been looking for something, yesterday and left the files on my office chair. Pot, kettle,black !!
just caught up with news. OG do hope you start to feel a little better soon. Maybe its because we are not getting much sun ........lol. Stormy weather on the way according to the weather forecast. Windy at night they reckon with colder days, we'll see.
OH is a lot better but he may have passed it on to me now - had a bad headache which I rarely get, most of the day, but took some paracetamol and its gone thank goodness.
Off to swim again tomorrow, so back in the old routine so to speak.
Tonights pics from Florida - they are charming.
74 degrees there, oh for some here...................lol.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
As you will see, changed my avitar for the red squirrel taken by a member of LoL group.