With this lovely video, I will say farewell to 2014 and welcome to 2015. Also best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous year for all our Forum and Gabfest friends as well as all our feathered friends, especially EJ and Odin and their 2015 family.
Photo from The Scotsman'a
Click here for the accompanying article.
From Cloe and Tiger's Osprey Data we get the following information. Thanks Cloe & Tiger for this wonderful site.
Over the last 8 years EJ returned to her Loch Garten nest on the following dates:
2007 Wed April 4th,
2008 Wed March 26th,
2009 Wed March 25th,
2010 Fri March 26th,
2011 Thurs March 24th ,
2012 Wed March 21st,
2013 Wed March 27th,
2014 Mon March 24th
We can see that of these last 8 years, 5 of them were on a Wednesday. As no one knows when the next return will happen and one guess is as good as another I decided to go with a Wednesday. The nearest likely Wed is March 25th so that is the date I will use to calculate the number of days to EJ's return this year of 2015..
Hello June seems you are the only one about this evening! Hello Ann too! Not long now till EJ returns although Im savouring the "waiting" because all too quickly they will be gone again LOL!"
I love your pic of the wildcat kitten so beautiful
Hi Willow, Glad you enjoyed the little wildcat. Yes, I too think he is beautiful - how can anyone resist those blue eyes. But as Keith reminded us in response to a previous post, I will be quite content to admire from afar!
I think he would put up a ferocious fight despite his soft toy like appearance!
Interesting to read that there has been an osprey sighted in Cornwall and New Jersey! Are they early or did they just never bother! The climate in Cornwall is milder than a lot of places in the UK.There were reports of swallows being spotted in the winter and thought they never migrated and overwintered in the UK!
I did not mean to write this in huge capitals LOL it looks like huge importance has been added to that fact but not!! I was unable to edit the post!
I counted the days TWICE on my calendar and each time I got 79 days till EJ's estimated return, so that is the figure I will go with for our countdown. OO0HoH!! Closer that I thought, but still a long wait!!
79 days till Wed March 25th
When I saw your above post, Willow, I figured you had accidentally hit the ALL CAPS button, which happens to me frequently. I have often wished they had a button which changed a selected group of letters from all low to all cap letters and vice versa.
Hi June, Willow and Everyone, Just saw your comments today--I was not on the Forum yesterday (catching up on everything else after the holidays!) As for EJ's return, I just hope she does return! And the 25th sounds as likely as anything, June--probably will be sometime near there, 23rd-27th.
Kind regards, Ann