With this lovely video, I will say farewell to 2014 and welcome to 2015. Also best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous year for all our Forum and Gabfest friends as well as all our feathered friends, especially EJ and Odin and their 2015 family.
Google Earth has updated. Note Millicent's starting point in upper left corner and Malabo (Bioko Island) in lower right corner.
Goodness June 20 24 inches is alot of snow! England comes to a halt with just 6 inches LOL! I do not like driving in snow even if its just a light dusting!
Two or three inches is enough to cover the middle and side lines of the roads. When I can't see those guidelines, that is enough to stop me. And six inches pretty much brings the area to a standstill here, too. Besides how many inches before the weight gets too much for roofs, expecially porch roofs, etc??
This may not have been the snowstorm of ten centuries, but still enough to cause a great deal of inconvenience and discomfort. No more than that I hope. I haven't heard of any deaths yet, have you?
It seems nobody has died as a result of all the snopw but not that i know. Lets hope it stays that way. I think the homeless and elderly are most at risk. I am always thankful I have a roof over my head
Hello, and thanks for all the good wishes. Only about 4 inches here in Rochester though it is quite cold, maybe about a foot in NYC, with the most accumulations centering around Boston and North along the coast to Portland, Maine. I think they thought it would be worse in NYC, but it went further north. I am always very thankful for a warm house, food and shelter and communication (phone and internet).
I agree, Willow, that the most at risk are the poor and the elderly. Large disparity in this country... :(
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
The snowman at the Ontario bird feeding station has given birth and is now carrying a wee one on her hip.
Again I'm listening to Jesse Andrews "Music of Scotland".
FISH, WHERE ARE YOU??????????!!
Ricky and Lucy swap incubation duties at Fort Myers sharing the two eggs.
Stirling and Pinella (Dunedin) on the nest perch together on Monday.
Not sure if they will get the cam back in time.
Thanks to Kim Begay at Dunedin Osprey Cam - She got some great captures on a visit to the nest Monday.
Thank you KEITH for these lovely captures from Florida.