With this lovely video, I will say farewell to 2014 and welcome to 2015. Also best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous year for all our Forum and Gabfest friends as well as all our feathered friends, especially EJ and Odin and their 2015 family.
How about "Flow Gently, Sweet Aften". This is not the same melody I know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN9FghOlPg4
A quote from You Tube:
With lack of cam viewing at this nest - Barbera Walker took a look over and has reported that both birds are around and we have not missed any eggs as yet - hopefully they may get the cam back up this week.
She took some photos a couple of days ago.
Pinella on nest perch
Stirling on the picnic pole with a fish.
Many Thanks to Barbera for the pictures. She does not mind me posting these.
Keith, Thanks for the Osprey pic. Always glad to hear from Dunedin.
Are you celebrating Burns night?
Now the same song by an American Artist, Jo Stafford.
I have tis album in my own record collection.
Quote from You tube:
Eddie Reader sings Songs from Burns and in this sings Wild Mountainside.
The video clip is taken on a boat ride around Ailsa Craig off the Ayrshire Coast. Burns was from Alloway in Ayrshire.
JUNE - Celebrating Burns at Home this year.
We have had our Haggis Supper earlier and now having just a wee dram of malt whisky with a piece of shortbread and have Scottish Music on.
Susan did Burns at school so quite likes the occasion.
Thanks keith, for this lovely tribute to the day and for this beautiful song that I don't remember hearing before. I wonder what it is about this Scottish music that touches my heart o deeply.
HAPPY BURNS NIGHT TO EVERONE! Hope you all enjoy the evening!
WILLOW said: Well we did our Big Garden Bird Watch today around lunch time but amazingly all our birds were lying low! Later in the afternoon loads appeared again probably filling up before going to bed. No bullfinch today nor gold finches but we had a green wood pecker! They dont often come in but today he flew up into our hawthorn trees from the lawn.
WILLOW< I take it they were "lying low" at the time of the count. Ain't that always the way of it? :) Maybe the special birds you mention and the crowds were at a neighbor who was also counting and so were counted there. hope so, anyway.
ANN, how did yours turn out? To your satisfaction?
Hi Willow - Not sure about this RSPB Count so i did not bother - It all depends on what type of day it is.
The rain was lashing down with winds so not many birds came into the garden over the weekend all sheltering in the woods over the river.
Tomorrow when the sun shines there will be ten fold or more at the feeders when we do not count.
The journey of Blue UV from Kielder is so fascinating - Jaydee has just posted on her site that he has moved again now on the coast between St Louis and Dakar heading south.