WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2014

Hi all, welcome to the new week.

  • Hello all

    Thank you for keeping me laughing, LINDY and also for the poem!

    DIANE- I don't know how you cope but there is a bit of me that thinks your life is far more interesting than mine;-) I will never forget the time that you stitched up your own hand. Perhaps I've said that before but it is stuck in my memory bank.

    BRENDA I read what Justin Welby said about food banks. I always contribute to them but the bad bit of me wonders if the food always goes to the truly needy folk. Our High Street always has beggars who are 'poor and hungry' and Big Issue sellers.

    Last night's meal etc was very enjoyable and then, just as they were leaving, Amy rebuffed OH quite rudely as he attempted to tell her how well he thought she was dealing with insulin pump etc. I could have smacked her. In my book there is no room for bad manners,teenager or not, diabetic or not. Sorry if that seems harsh. Rant over!!!!!

  • Good evening, All. Horrible weather here today – some sunshine between, but a lot of sleet showers, hail etc; the only good thing about it was that it didn’t freeze this morning. Birds have been arriving in droves to stock up on goodies on the back garden feeder and in the Willow Tree. BTW, we had a GS Woodpecker in the Willow yesterday, and have a resident Pied Wagtail since our first white frost last Monday. We had a quiet, stay-at-home day today.

    Linda – not really been buying when out and about, mostly looking and “Bah-humbugging” at some of the rubbish people are tempted by! I just enjoy being among the hustle and bustle, with no pressure to purchase! Glad you are pleased with OH’s efforts with the outside lights; there are some very tasteless overdone displays around here! Enjoyed the Woodpeckers poem – and the noisy parcel tale!

    Heather – it must be difficult visiting Sheana now she is more and more losing track; you are a good neighbour to her, with so much going on in your own family. I hope you enjoyed the company of the two teenagers yesterday.

    Rita – I hope your package from Amazon arrives soon, so you can finish your wrapping and posting.

    Annette – Thanks for starting the new thread. Sorry about your Daughter’s car breaking down; lucky for her that you could leave yours and hop on a train. It sounds a lovely train ride along the coast.

    Brenda – OH will post parcels (nothing enormous) and cards to mainland Europe tomorrow; other cards will go Friday; we received a few cards yesterday.

    Diane – good to see your posts, especially to read about close encounters with Woodpeckers!

    Heather – there has been a lot of criticism here of Tesco food collection – apparently it goes to one organisation who happen not to have any distribution in our area, so folk feel it has taken food away from needy people who would benefit from our local food bank, which is sadly very much needed. How sad that Amy was rude when your OH was paying her a compliment, I hope she apologised.

    We watched Strictly results in the middle of this; sad for Pixie that she was up against Simon whose style and expertise so suits the American Smooth. But really neither of those two belonged in the dance-off.

    Optician appointment for me tomorrow afternoon, and no other dashing about!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Clare Bailey said:

    LOL!!!!!!!  I bet the child who gets it will switch it off in a twinkling.

    I expect so, Clare! Glad that you & others enjoyed my tale - although it seemed long, I actually cut it short as the monster kept on playing tunes & making remarks as I went along the High Street - I was never so glad to get home!!!
  • Heather - Its a difficult one, food banks. I usually try to contribute although our nearest one is Tesco which is in another town. I do hate to think that anyone has to go hungry in what should be a 'civilised society' with a reasonable economy. (compared to other nearby countries). Also get wound up about old(er) people feeling the cold if they have to choose between heating & eating.
  • OG - We've had disappointing weather here today - a lot more rain fell this afternoon on already soaked ground, as it rained most of the night. Our lights are quite tasteful!! White 'icicles' on the front gutters, twinkly white clusters around the front door, and a small tree draped with tiny bright white pearls.....aaaaah! We were excited this morning as after I remarked that we hadn't had many Goldies on our Niger seed feeder: then suddenly, two arrived together!! Now we're hoping they will come back with their friends tomorrow.
  • Heather - sorry to hear about Amy. I can only say, in her defence, that at that age she might not want too much fuss made over it all, and so lashed out. I know when I was a shy awkward teenager, things often seemed to come out wrong. Having said that, she should also remember her manners. Glad you enjoyed your evening otherwise.
  • OG and LINDY- I would have perhaps been more understanding if she hadn't been so horrid to my OH who as you know will be 84 next week. I could have cried because he looked so astonished :-(((  I take your point though, LINDA, teenagers do respond awkwardly sometimes. Not just teenagers if I am totally honest---

  • PS Anybody here remember the old rhyme

    There was a little girl

    Who had a little curl

    Right in the middle of her forehead.

    When she was good she was very very good

    But when she was bad,she was horrid

  • One of my favourites when I was young, Heather. Sorry your dear OH was upset. What a shame. I've been upset myself recently as I gave someone a quite expensive present, and didn't get a 'Thank you' either verbally or in writing..... Manners don't seem to be fashionable :-(
  • Hi all.

    Annette - glad your train journey home was a pleasant ride and hope you enjoyed your meal with the neighbours.

    Diane - woodpeckers, hey!  You will have to have a confab with them and let them know who is the boss.  Yes, the onsies are very useful.

    Lindy - loved the ditty about the woodpeckers.  Your saga re childs toy, hope you find how to turn it off.

    Brenda - well done on your win.

    Heather - remember it well.

    Weather has not been too bad here, few showers but cold, well it is December.

    Tonight went to a local parish church with dau. and OH! to the service which was being led by a local brass band.  Thoroughly enjoyable, the music and singing that is.

    Have an old friend coming round on Tues.morning - from my youth days in Worsley, so we have a bit of catching up to do.

    Take care all.