WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey topics) SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2014

Hey everyone.

LINDYBIRD has posted some pix of Matthew of the masses of black hair on the last page of last week's thread.   What makes me think we'll be seeing more soon?  :-)

DIBNLIB: Glad you had a nice walk with "new" companions.

Had nice light brunch with friends; then to the gym. Now home to throw some chicken and asparagus in the pans!  Hope all are well.

Rich text format option seems to have gone AWOL

  • Diane: Thanks SO MUCH for the timeline on the Rosetta landing.

    AQ: Thunder-thighs!!!!  :-))  That's hilarious. Do hope Dau will have nanny care extended.

    LizLFW: No ads here yet - and I went into a store today to find they hadn't put out their Christmas wrapping paper yet (and here I was, trying to get a really early start on things)  Good to see you!

  • Good Morning, All. Dry here but streaky grey skies. AQ - Your two girls are growing into bonny babes now!! I can see how they must be heavy to lift. I was shocked when Tomasz grew, that I could no longer swing him onto my hip as I had nonchalantly done with my own children...... We forget that we don't have the muscle power of a twenty or thirty - something youngster!! And shopping bags have got heavier, too LOL!!
  • The Rosetta landing is just being discussed on the TV - apparently it could just bounce off the comet as there's low gravity!!!!! Thanks to Diane for all the info.
  • Rosetta has been released........

    Seven hour wait now ( approx)

  • It has screw type legs, with harpoons to grip, but the thruster motor is not working.

  • Good Morning ALL.

    Thanks Diane for the timetable. I understand it will take 30mins for us to get any information back on earth, after it has landed.

    Two adorable, thriving babies, AQ. I can see how they must be a 'handful', and why you become so tired. One of our nephews has a baby, who is called, 'thunder thighs". His Dad has hopes of him playing rugby for England. LOL   LM is so lovely. She is still so young and obviously, needs her share of attention. I do hope they extend the nanny time.

    Annette, I bought far too much wrapping paper last Christmas, so I don't know what I will need to buy this year.  I haven't bought anything to wrap, yet. You are being so efficient.  

  • Good morning all. This is my third attempt to post on this forum so fingers crossed I will be successful. Another very wet day, heavy rain and several local roads flooded. It has been like this since last week and we even had storms. Back garden flooded but touch wood have not needed to be on toilet watch, I think the letter OH sent may have prompted some sort of action to be take.

    i briefly mentioned the fact that Billie had been very unwell. Last Thursday she was very sick. I thought she had a fur ball which is often the case but she carried on being sick almost non-stop. OH came home and we rushed her off to the vet. He gave her s thorough check and found she had a temperature. Diagnosed a bacterial or viral infection and gave her anti-sickness and antibiotic injections. She must have felt so poorly as she did not struggle whe the vet took her temperature which is a first as she would usually resist. Brought her back home and she just slept for a couple of days, not eating and very little to drink the next worry was she would become dehydrated. Fortunately after a day she started to drink again and eat a little. Pleased to say she is just about back to normal but we were both so worried for her. Could not really focus on anything while she was like that, so much so that I tried to go into the consevatory without sliding the glass door back. Now sporting a rather large bruises on my knee and forehead. We did manage to get the Christmas cake made Sunday, all done in rather a hurry bit it has turned out very well. Went shopping last evening, OH did food shop whilst I got special Christmas cards for the family. A good time to shop I was the only person in the card shop and in a very short time had got everything I needed. OH hadfood shop completed at the same time and we were back home by 7.45.

    On my 7th course of chemo now and not feeling too bad at all.nhad a blood test pre chemo and once again a slight upward trend in all my levels so,the chemo is really working well.

    George I am sure you will be delighted with your Ipad as I am with mine. Hardly ever switch laptop on now and it enables you to sit in a comfortable chair And you will have access to many webcams although for LG you will need to download Puffin.

    Lindybird wonnderful photos of Amber and Matthew. Amber certainly does have a lovel head of auburn hair. You must be so happy now  you 3 grandchildren to spoil. Love the pics of the cats, they look so relaxed. I expect you are looking forward to,your Lanzarote when you can both relax and recharge your batteries. Was sorry to read your friend's dog is unwell.

    rita a rather belated Happy Birthday to you. Sounds as though you had a nice day and what a nice view you had while having a coffee. Great pic of Amber as well.

    OG hope you are not trying to do too much, sounds a very busy schedule  for the next few days.

    Wendy sounds a stressful time for you. Hooe you OH will start to recover soon from the major surgery. Sorry to read that Daisy has had further episodes.

    Lynette will think about you and the family on the loss of a very special person. So tragic for friend who has lost his fiancée at such a young age. Thanks for the pics of the mongoose. I keep looking in but very rarely see any animals.

    Annette hope you are feeling less tired, you too seem to have been rather busy. Billie did give us cause for concern, as you know she is extremely precious to us and has helped me through some dark times.

    diane thanks yet again for interesting links,will be looking on. Hope you are not completely snowed under, it seems winter has arrived with a vengeance in some parts.

    AQ I do hope your daughter will be able to obtain extended nanny help. Sorry you are feeling so tired somit is important that help will be extended. Lovely pic of Miss3, a real study in concentration. The twins have certainly grown no wonder they are heavy. They both look extremely healthy.

    Fingers crossed I will be successful with this post. Have a good day all and take care.

    Margo x

  • Margo-  So glad to hear that Billie is feeling better now, it must have been worrying for you.  Good for you, having made your Christmas cake and done some Christmas shopping, you are well on the way to Christmas now!

    Diane-  Thanks for your links to the Rosetta Mission,  it is so interesting, and I am watching it all on the LiveWebcam.  I was fascinated by the 'singing'.

    What a lot of baby pictures we have been seeing lately!    Lindy-  Amber is a gorgeous baby, what lovely eyes!   AQ- How those babies are growing, I can see how they must be quite heavy to lift now and hold for any length of time!  It was lovely to see Miss3 so engrossed in her leaf and flower picture.

  • Morning all: Up early - and just watched the replay of the press conference following the separating of Rosetta's lander. Was heading off to daughter's at 8 a.m., but will now be late as simply must hang about to hear if it landed, which they won't know until about 30 minutes after the fact.  I simply can't imagine being smart enough to have a career in such a wonderfully exciting field. 

    Brenda: I bought way too much wrapping paper a few years back and got very tired of it and am glad it's finally gone!

    Margo: Good news all round again - hurray - best news of course is that the Christmas cake is done.  :-))

    Lynette:  Assume you're back from the service, which must've been difficult to say the least.

    Of back to bed with coffee and a book before I have to leap up again to watch Rosetta project and head to daughter's.  Have a good day all.

  • BBC 24 is  at Darmstadt. ( Rosetta Mission ) Confirmation of probe landing expected around 4pm.