Hey everyone.
LINDYBIRD has posted some pix of Matthew of the masses of black hair on the last page of last week's thread. What makes me think we'll be seeing more soon? :-)
DIBNLIB: Glad you had a nice walk with "new" companions.
Had nice light brunch with friends; then to the gym. Now home to throw some chicken and asparagus in the pans! Hope all are well.
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Morning all: Very cool and gray here today.
Lindybird: Amber is so like my granddaughter at that age. Quite a remarkable resemblance (I'd post photos but didn't have a digital cam back then.) I can never get over how wonderfully soft a baby's skin is....just perfect.
Margo: Billie seems to have caused all kinds of consternation. Hope she, you, and your computer are all doing better.
OG: Take care and have fun.
Hi to everyone else.
Lindy - lovely pics of the pussy's and of course of Amber.
Glad to hear you are OK Margo but sorry to hear about Billie although relieved to hear she is getting better.
Managed to do 18 lengths today at the gym. Can't get there on Thurs. as OH has a hospital appointment re an ongoing condition.
We are off to the funeral of my Dau's friends fiance tomorrow. It will be quite a sad occasion but also remembering to give thanks for her life.
Doing family research on Ancestry UK I have found at least two cousins who died in the Great War. One is mentioned on the Menin Gate script and the other is buried at the Tyne Cot Cemetery near Zonnebeke.
Brenda - thanks for asking re Dau - she has resolved the situation of sorts.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Hi, all.
Lindy: Amber is very, very beautiful! What a stunning child. Have a good time on your holiday.
Margo: Sorry that Billie has had a rough time. Take care of yourself.
Brenda and Annette: Good luck to the Rosetta mission tonight and tomorrow. First ever landing on a comet! Woo hoo! I see that the European Space Agency sites have now gone live online to broadcast all of the mission milestones. I'll be watching.
Take care, everyone.
I was absolutely blown away to hear the comet "singing" today. Such a haunting, other-worldly sound. You can listen here: blogs.esa.int/.../the-singing-comet
Tx Diane: I'm off to see what's going on!
Annette: Separation of the lander is planned for tonight/tomorrow about:
9:03 a.m. in the U.K.
4:03 a.m. in the eastern U.S.
1:03 a.m. in California
Touchdown on the comet should follow about 7 hours later:
4:02 p.m. U.K.
11:02 a.m. Eastern U.S.
8:02 a.m. California
A more detailed timeline is here: www.esa.int/.../Television
NASA TV and the Slooh Observatory in the Canary Islands will also provide some coverage tomorrow.
Linda - Gorgeous pics of Matthew & Amber. But I am so jealous of all that hair. My babes are still almost bald.
I am tired & sore after yesterday's afternoon session with Dau & Co. L is almost too heavy for me to carry - I don't know what they weigh as Dau has more important things to do. She has to fit in a doc & 2 social worker appts in order to extend nanny help. Her OH will be taking his holidays in December so that will help. Yesterday I joined Miss3 in Nature Study as she planted leaves, flowers & gum nuts in playdough.
This is L, sometimes called by me thunder-thighs or my sumo wrestler!!!
Here is J about to be fed her first pear mush. She pulled a face at first, then dribbled most down her chin. Both girls have had rice, pumpkin & sweet potato.
Diane - good to see you again - hope the bad weather affecting the Midwest hasn't sunk as low as you yet.
Re recent comments about all the C**'mas decorations seemingly early in all the garden centres - now we have all the TV ads too to try and ignore for the next 6 weeks!!