WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey topics) SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2014

Hey everyone.

LINDYBIRD has posted some pix of Matthew of the masses of black hair on the last page of last week's thread.   What makes me think we'll be seeing more soon?  :-)

DIBNLIB: Glad you had a nice walk with "new" companions.

Had nice light brunch with friends; then to the gym. Now home to throw some chicken and asparagus in the pans!  Hope all are well.

Rich text format option seems to have gone AWOL

  • Hello Everyone -  Much warmer today but dull, it looks like rain at any moment. Went up to the Doctors surgery for an Annual Health check, they are doing them in your birth month every year now.  I am going to make some citrus cookies this afternoon, quite tasty; as well as the usual flour etc.,they have orange and lemon peel, white chocolate chips and crunchy nut cornflakes added.

  • Yum, Rita - do they need testing? I can come round right now! ;-)
  • Brenda, thanks for the news of Margo. Hope she can get it sorted out. I've been to the shops - we all stood still in the supermarket at 11.00am and it was quite moving - some local members of the British Legion raised a flag and spoke the traditional words. When I came out, it had been raining, so I was lucky as I had no umbrella. I've been to get my latest photos put on a disc so now I can put some on here.

  • Good afternoon all having a very trying time trying to post. Lost a large one this morning and was half way throught my second attempt when Billie decided to walk across the keyboard and it completely locked up.  Will have to have another go tomorrow, as I will need to get ready for chemo in a while. I am fine, my absence was because Billie has been poorly. We were both very worried, thankfully she is a lot better now.

    Sorry this a short rely but will say more tomorrow.

  • Good to hear from you, Margo, but sorry to hear that you have had a worry with little Billie.  Do hope she is OK now. Your posts must have been very frustrating, stopped twice!!  They are a blessing and a curse as well.  Hope the chemo is going well this time.  Here are some cat pictures to cheer you up........

    Found this neat pusscat, sitting on a doorstep at a seaside place in Wales:

        -  -  -  -   and this one, sitting on the steps of the next door caravan to us:  she got up when I approached, to have her ears rubbed!!


  • I took a lot of pictures of Amber at the weekend, as you can imagine.  Here are just a couple --

    Daddy's girl:

    What do you think of all that hair!!  Not bad for only 9 weeks old LOL!!   Cousin Matthew has a rival in the hair stakes!!  I am in here, somewhere....... Oh, there I am!!

    Ready for my close up now.....

  • Just had to say that is a lovely baby, LINDA!  She looks quite big for her 9 weeks age - and lovely auburn hair too.

    I keep getting stuff in the way of putting aside time to post - really ought to as I have been doing far too much standing the last few days.  Shall be out three evenings this week and most of Friday!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Linda, I was waiting for you to post one of your red poppy photographs today but then you posted photographs of your beautiful poppet, instead. She is so adorable and we can only hope that in her future that people have learnt to live in peace.

  • Brenda - I've just not had the time - I'm still busy storing away some of the caravan bedding & our clothes, and have unpacked our weekend suitcase. Today, we got out the big suitcases, as we are off to Lanzarote on Monday. Just as well there's not much needs doing in the garden! So, no poppies from me this year. I was pleased with the pictures of our little Poppet, isn't she gorgeous?!
  • Have just been on the phone with my Friend - we are not it sure if we can dovetail in a cinema visit, to make up for missing the film last week. Also, her little dog who is over 11 years old, is rather ill at the moment.