Picture from the internet. No copyright information given.
NOVEMBER – Winter is setting in. With return to Standard Time the dark evenings are even longer. It will soon be dark by 6:00 p.m. here in southern Ohio. Many of our November days are just all-over grey, from grey skies to gray hills with leafless grey trees and grey atmosphere – just cold, damp and gloomy. Still too early to expect much, if any, snow. But on an occasional sunny day we might enjoy a heavy frost on lingering green leaves. And inside all is warm, colorful and cheery. All month (in my family, anyway) we are planning the Thanksgiving feast. Thanksgiving Day, a day set aside for giving thanks to God for all the blessings in our lives, is a national holiday and a major one for most of us.
Here at the Gabfest, we have the gloom of empty nests. But we also have the cheer of knowing that Millicent is settled in her warm winter home, while Breagha is enjoying his second winter not too far away. Our chat-room fires are kept burning brightly and our new TV/telly screen is always at the ready., so hopefully we can all keep our computers in working order and enjoy a little chit-chat, some music and maybe a bit of streetwalking. Special Events include the possibility of another Music Night with suggested Movie theme and a group streetwalk to some as yet mystery location.
So where is our Gabfest chat-room.? Have you ever wondered? Well of course, it is at some undisclosed cyberspace location in the beautiful Scottish Highlands, not too far from the Loch Garten nest, home of EJ and Odin.
Jessie just Played "Ships Ahoy" then something by Vera Lynn. Both very Scottish and military/armistice appropriate. I loved both!
Guy Fawkes tried to blow up our "House of Parliament" many years ago, so now we celebrate that with lots of fireworks. lololol
Ah yes! Guy Fawkes Day! I do need to pay closer attention to my Scottish calendar. It does say "Bonfire Night" for today. And I'm sure it is already well past dark where you are.
Pitch Dark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unknown said:http://tunein.com/radio/WOBO-887-s21636/
I see! I am probably home too late - they have jazz on right now. It is wonderful how we can share thses experiences on line regardless of geographic location though! Thank you!
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
More from the email series that I call Carol's Birds. Nothing is more colorful than a peacock in full parade dress.
Another peacock, this one with a blue tail. I have never seen any such.
Hi, CC. Yes, you have missed the Scottish music for this week, but you are getting the station. They have a great variety of music. Maybe you will find something you like.
And YES I am constantly amazed at the connections we can make across the ocean (or the pond, as they love to call it) and right here in our own country.
I have a wonderful favorite Gabfest moment about Armistice Day, which I will share sometime between now and Nov 11.
Hi June
Scottish music best prog, on "WOBO"