Picture from the internet.  No copyright information given.

          NOVEMBER – Winter is setting in.   With return to Standard Time the dark evenings are even longer.  It will soon be dark by 6:00 p.m. here in southern Ohio.  Many of our November days are just all-over grey, from grey skies to gray hills with leafless grey trees and grey atmosphere – just cold,  damp and gloomy.  Still too early to expect much, if any, snow. But on an occasional sunny day  we might enjoy a heavy frost on lingering green leaves.   And inside all is warm, colorful and cheery.  All month (in my family, anyway) we are planning the Thanksgiving feast. Thanksgiving Day, a day set aside for giving thanks to God for all the blessings in our lives, is a national holiday and a  major one for most of us.

          Here at the Gabfest, we have the gloom of empty nests.    But we also have the cheer of knowing that Millicent is settled in her warm winter home, while Breagha is enjoying his second winter not too far away. Our chat-room fires are kept burning brightly and our new TV/telly screen is always at the ready., so hopefully we can all keep our computers in working order and enjoy  a little chit-chat, some music and maybe a bit of streetwalking. Special Events include the possibility of another Music Night with suggested Movie theme and a group streetwalk to some as yet mystery location. 

          So where is our Gabfest chat-room.?  Have you ever wondered?  Well of course,  it is at some undisclosed cyberspace location in the beautiful Scottish Highlands, not too far from the Loch Garten nest, home of EJ and Odin.


  • Keith, thanks for the information on Rothiemurchus.   I knew you would know.  

  • Keith said:  JUNE - Our leaves are dropping more so with the wind - we had a frost last week one morning but some dawn temperatures are expected this week around zero so should see the leaves as in your picture - I still have all my Fuscias and Lavanders flowering in the garden.

    Off to Cork tomorrow in SW Ireland.The last place The Titanic left from on her fatal journey.

    Until yesterday I still had a few hangers-on:  some purple ageratum, some scraggly pink cosmos and some nice mandevilla, white, pink, and red.    More about the mandevillas later, with pictures.

    We still have many green leaves, but the frost last night showed mostly on the ground - nothing as eye-catching a the opening picture.  This was the first heavy frost and it has taken with it any remaining flower blooms.

    Keith as always I will pray for safe and efficient travel and a good work experience for your trip to Cork.  I will also hope for long boring evenings o that you will have lots of time to post on the Gabfest.   :)

  • Hello June,

    Pitch dark and it is only 6.15 pm in UK. Arggggggggggg

  • hi Fish, last night we switched back an hour to standard time .so I'll check the time of darkness this evening and let you know.

    Willow, I'm missing your almost daily comments so expect the computer is giving you problems.

    Keith, I trust you have arrived safely at your destination by now.

  • Good evening all. No June no techie problems tonight! Just lack of time and starting a night shift! LOL!

  • SunnyKate thankyou for the link to the Warren House Inn, that is the pub we took my father to and when i was living at home we went often! We still go there whenever we visit my Dad. My parents would cycle up there frequently from South Brent our family home! My parents were in their 70s! My partner and I would baulk at the idea! LOL! There is always a fire in the hearth even in summer!

  •  These three pictures are so similar to my own mandevilla plants that they could almost be pictures I have taken myself, but they are not,   They are from the internet, no copyright given.'

    This pink is at the front corner of my house, trailing on a black flower/vine shaped wrought iron post. I had pink impatients & chartreus sweet potato vine at the base.  They were all in good form until the frost last night.  Gone now.

  • Keith we also have been on the Dart valley Railway and the scenery around it is beautiful. Amazingly never have visited Buckfast Abbey and only a few miles from my family home! Grudgingly attended a Christmas Carol service when I was a youngster, dont apreciate these things when you are young!

    Hope you have an enjoyable stay in Cork and a safe journey!

  • These are in the small bed   next to the driveway  at the front of the house ..

    Early in the summer I purchased  a plant of snow white flowers exactly like these and it bloomed snow white all summer.  Then about a month ago a blood red blossom suddently appeared.  OK, a smaller red plant had been accidentally or intentionally potted along with the white.  But then about a week ago I noticed that the new blossoms opening up on the white vine  were all the palest pink! ???

  • Clare thankyou for the link to the calender. Will order very soon!