Picture from the internet. No copyright information given.
NOVEMBER – Winter is setting in. With return to Standard Time the dark evenings are even longer. It will soon be dark by 6:00 p.m. here in southern Ohio. Many of our November days are just all-over grey, from grey skies to gray hills with leafless grey trees and grey atmosphere – just cold, damp and gloomy. Still too early to expect much, if any, snow. But on an occasional sunny day we might enjoy a heavy frost on lingering green leaves. And inside all is warm, colorful and cheery. All month (in my family, anyway) we are planning the Thanksgiving feast. Thanksgiving Day, a day set aside for giving thanks to God for all the blessings in our lives, is a national holiday and a major one for most of us.
Here at the Gabfest, we have the gloom of empty nests. But we also have the cheer of knowing that Millicent is settled in her warm winter home, while Breagha is enjoying his second winter not too far away. Our chat-room fires are kept burning brightly and our new TV/telly screen is always at the ready., so hopefully we can all keep our computers in working order and enjoy a little chit-chat, some music and maybe a bit of streetwalking. Special Events include the possibility of another Music Night with suggested Movie theme and a group streetwalk to some as yet mystery location.
So where is our Gabfest chat-room.? Have you ever wondered? Well of course, it is at some undisclosed cyberspace location in the beautiful Scottish Highlands, not too far from the Loch Garten nest, home of EJ and Odin.
BENTE SAID; "I'm sorry I didn't make it in time (I've just returned from work), but I would never have guessed Honolulu as a destination for streetwalk anyway. I really have been interested, but as I don't know how a group-streetwalk works, I didn't know how to begin."
Bente,, we begin any Gabfest Special Event by communicating, ie, discussing, planning, cooperating and helping one another. For example had you mentioned this a week or even a day ago I would have been glad to explain.;
First of all you need to have Google Earth, which is free, and know how to "streetwalk" which is easy - but could be explained if need be.
As to the group streetwalk itself, we gather, just as we do for a music night, then follow the directions of a tour guide who takes us through a pre-planned (by the tour guide) destination. To see how his works, you might read "Gabfest's first Streetwalking Tour - York England"
Bente said: I've been to Hawaii in 2011, on a hiking-trip. I'm a bit busy now, but maybe tomorrow I might tell you one or two or more funny stories from the trip (if you are interested).
Bente, of course we are interested in hearing your Hawaii stories.
Hello June,
you are right! Of course I should have asked how a group-streetwalk works. But by some dubious reasons I don't seem to have enough time. Time seems to be flying. When I think about it: It is strange that we have November now.
Thank you very much for posting the link to the first group-streetwalk. I'll try it out later tonight. Now I've got some nice little stories from Hawaii for you:
We arrived for our hiking-trip in November 2011. At the same time (unfortunately for us) President Obama was there, too. So we arrived late in the evening, very tired, got our hired cars and were required to drive detours because many roads were closed due to safety-reasons. Once we had to stop and open all the doors and the boot / trunk. A dog came and sniffed at everything. Afterwards we were able to laugh about this, because we acted so clumsily: An unknown city, an unknown car, and we didn't know how to open the trunk.
The next day we intended to go to Diamond Head, but this was closed as well (because of President Obama's visit). So we drove along the eastern side of Oahu and the to Pearl Harbor. When we had to leave at 5 PM, the Highway was closed again. This day I was the assistant of our driver, so I had the maps and had to "navigate" back to our hotel. I must say, I did a good job.
The following day we took a plane to "Big Island". A fellow-traveller and I were waiting at the gate, when we were asked if were willing to take a seat at the emergency-exit: The plane was full of Japanese students, who didn't speak English well. So English-speaking people were needed at the exits. When we sat down, we were instructed what to do in an emergency. Afterwards wer were asked three questions:" Have you understood what you have to do in an emergency? Are you capable of fullfilling the duties in a case of emergency? Are you willing to do so?" So we answered:" Yes. Yes. Yes" It seemed like getting married.
A few days later, after having had a bath in the ocean and then shopping in an air-conditioned shopping-center, I had a very bad cold and no voice. I must say, I have never been treated better: I took a seat in the rear of the car. Everyone around asked things like:" Do you need more hankies? Do you need another jacket? Shall we switch off the air-condition? Do you need anything at all?" And our guide said:" I'm so sorry. Tonight I'll say a prayer for you"
We spent Thanksgiving on Maui. In the afternoon I sat on my porch, writing postcards. I had a good view to the pool. There was a family-gathering taking place, and two of the men were playing Ukulele, and everyone else was singing. That was beautiful!
The next day we had our longest and most beautiful walk: 8 hours across the caldera of the Haleakala-Volcano. What a change of scenery: First everything looked like on the planet Mars. Then there were plants as well, and the famous Nene-Geese, and afterwards we had to walk up a steep footpath to the parking-lot. When we got up there, the sun was already setting, it got misty and cold. After all, we were more than 3000 metres high on the mountain.
I hope you like these little stories a bit.
Dear June, please don't be too angry with me. I promise for the next time to think a little forward, and to ask in time if I've got questions.
Have a nice evening! Kind regards as usual, Bente
June, I am sorry you did not have any take-up on the latest street walk--maybe try another time. Unfortunately, everyone is so busy these days--we were at a concert. But I am enjoying the Hawaii photos, so please post more when you have time.
Bente, Poor you, to have your Hawaii holiday hampered by the American President--not everyone can say that! Enjoyed your stories--thanks.
Kind regards, Ann
Went back to read here and there from the York Streetwalk and almost in hysterics LOL.
Brought forward from that thread:
Just read from the beginning and Oh I am laughing LOL. So much funnier than last night when i was trying to keep up.
A cross section at 8:25 finds us here:
1. B&B is having a drink in the yard at the Judges" Lodgings while she waits for her tour group to catch up. Tiger is joining her.
2. I'm lost over on Nunnery Lane, miles away. Jag, just joining us, is already lost also on Nunnery Lane, but before he accidently finds me, he finds a Cycle Shop, so guess where Jag is.
3. Keith is so far ahead of us he finds time to attend a service inside The Minster AND make confession. After that he feels so good he's calling the rest of us sinners.
4. Karen is off somewhere to find snacks for everybody.
5. Mary & Chloe are observing others and having a slight "discussion" while they wait for stragglers.
6. Mims has been at spooky Lendal Cellars
7, And where is Sunshine? Nobody knows!!!! Most of all, Sunshine.
Some downtown Honolulu Scenes.
June after your lovely sunny photos, here are some sad but necessary ( as the Tower hosts many activities throughout the year),articles on the dismantling of the 'Poppies'.
Scroll within as there is another Video towards the bottom.
Poppies 1
Poppies 2
Good morning all. SunnyKate you atre up early!
Bente I loved your stories about Hawaii, I had to laugh. I bet you didnt catch a glimpse of Obama! The hike up on the mountains sounds amazing. Hope you will post some photos of your trip and will look forward to seeing them if you do!
We have problems with our broadband supplier at the moment and we seem to have exceeded our data allowance for some reason. We dont download films or music or anything like that! All I do is look is this forum which i enjoy or just browse, we have cancelled it and are looking for another supplier. We do not have broadband here so we have to have our own satelite to supply us so we are limited with data and expensive:( We live too far from telephone exchange!
So if you dont hear from me as often you know why!!
June I remember that streetwalk although I did not take part. B&B very much missed on here.
Good morning Gardenbirder!