WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey topics) Sunday October 26, 2014

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  • One of the many fire engines whose crews were lost in the attack.

    This is the staircase that many of the survivors escaped down while the building burned above them.

    Finally, one of the many girders/beams deformed by the impact of the attack.  These hung like modern art/sculpture installations throughout the memorial.


    And now for something completely different: A  sleepy but still delightful Ms. D at 5:15 the morning we all departed for various parts of the compass!

    More cheerful photos next time!


  • Have managed to read all your posts and see that Margo has been doing really well - hurray!  

  • Good Morning, All. Dull here but dry. Great to come on & find pics from Annette, very sobering as memories of an event we will never forget. Also a cracking pic of the Delightful MissD!!
  • Good morning everyone

    Thank you ANNETTE for the pictures, which I found very moving. To my shame, I didn't know any details about the Memorial.

    Miss D is beautiful!

  • Good Morning Everyone. The sky is blue this morning, with some sunshine but quite breezy.

    Thank you Annettte for such excellent photographs and details of the 9/11 Memorial. They reawaken the emotions that were felt at the time.

    Miss D looks so lovely, even at 5.15am. 

  • Lots of banging & hammering going on next door today, as a swarm of workmen have arrived to do stuff to the house which is being renovated. Hopefully, they might finish the extension which is bordering on our property this week, then we will not be so aware of the work as they go to the other end of the house for a much bigger one to be done.

    I've been doing exciting things like mopping kitchen floors etc. to keep busy, and am now sorting out some emails which I have been meaning to get to grips with for ages.  No news from our Youngest about the baby, its been rather tense waiting all this time but I'm sure all is well, I remember our Eldest did not want to be born and was a week late!!

    Have looked out some pictures to cheer everyone on a grey Monday, here is someone who is feeling perky:

  • ................And here is another cutie......

  • Just having a breather,it is such hard work watching OH cleaning shoes-- We had an altercation on Saturday when I was cleaning out a cupboard. I confronted him with several pairs of shoes which he had not worn for a few years. He is a bit of a hoarder. When he buys new everyday shoes or a replacement electric razor for example, the old item gets put away 'just in case'. So we negotiated about what could be kept and that is why he has been busy polishing shoes.

    Once again I could do with OG looking over my shoulder. I completely understand the rationale of making out menus and shopping accordingly. It just keeps going wrong. Today I had the bright idea of making minestrone for my meal tonight ( don't fancy the fish that OH is having). Taste buds all tuned in, soup simmering and then realised that I'd used up all the parmesan cheese last week and hadn't replaced it.

    Sorry to write about trivia but that's about the sum total of everyday life for me!!  

    Sheana is a little brighter,thank goodness but I expect that there will be more of these episodes as time goes on.

    Take care, all

  • Heather: I need OG to plant, harvest, freeze/preserve, plan, cook and serve all the food for my meals!!  :-)   OH and I have separate closets; mine is like Mother Hubbard's cupboard compared to his (oh, and he has most of the closet in the spare bedroom too!)

  • Heather - My OH is the opposite, although he does sometimes wear his shoes until they literally fall to pieces!! I have lots of stuff, & have to keep it squirreled away so he can't see it all in total..... Luckily, he doesn't know what I've got so I can buy new without his noticing!!! I am sadly disorganised over meals, and only plan about two days ahead. We keep lots in the freezer, so can decide what to have sometimes even on the same day.
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