Hi All: I'm a bit early starting this since it's right before midnight your time. Anyway, on the last page of the previous Weekly Chat, Tiger had some interesting info about what's involved in putting forward Big Ben. I had no idea. And Cirrus posted a shot of two very noisy creatures (thankfully we can't hear them!). And Soosin is looking for Karen. Had a nice day out with daughter; won't be around tomorrow evening your time as I'm taking the train down to Burbank Airport to meet a friend for dinner who's got a stopover there for a few hours en route to her home in Sacramento. Won't be home 'til around 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m. UK time.
I'm with you in my thoughts Margobird . But refuse to believe you are wearing out yet. Hope it's not an MRI scan you are having. Noisy things that they are.
Thanks Cirrus doctor just said more tests so I am in the dark a bit. He is writing to the hospital so hopefully I will get an appointment fairly soon. He did say the waiting list is not as long as it used to be so here's hoping.
For all, I know we are busy osprey watching and waiting but have a look at Pale Male and Lola page today. Some lovely shots of a seal seen in the harbour. I don't know how Lincoln does it but he takes such good photographs.
Hope is rolling around in Lily's arms, so sweet, waving her legs in the air (and I'm at work, shh)
Terry in Cumbria
Hope you havn't got the sound on then, TerryM !! They make some strange noises.
Djoan; sorry to hear that your back is only slightly better: these things are horrid. Hope your 'cocktail' works! My OH loves his Rubiks cube and keeps in practice in case he forgets how to do it - I can't do it except for one side at a time. Fancy being able to tackle it at 91!
og: Those pesky ironing fairies seem to fill up the basket when youre not looking. OH will cook or wield the hoover, but has no idea how to iron and says he'll just have wrinkly shirts if I go off with a toyboy!!
Margobird Lincoln is the best isn't he? There is a fan site for him on Facebook. For those of you who have not seen Lincoln's pics a treat awaits. See http://www.palemale.com/
Tiger Signature
Hope is having breakfast now, so yes Lindybird, it's a good job I turned the sound down!
Actually, she's stopped so I took too long to tell you that.
Just took this snapshot of a Puffin at The Scottish Seabird Centre webcam:
Hello TerryM Hope is gorgeous can't stop watching them both. Better than work any day.
Tiger Lincoln is the best will now go and find him on facebook. I sent him an emal last year complimenting him on his photography and he replied saying he was so glad that people in the UK watched as well.
Thanks Alan for the link and shot. Love puffins as well such comical little birds.