Hi All: I'm a bit early starting this since it's right before midnight your time. Anyway, on the last page of the previous Weekly Chat, Tiger had some interesting info about what's involved in putting forward Big Ben. I had no idea. And Cirrus posted a shot of two very noisy creatures (thankfully we can't hear them!). And Soosin is looking for Karen. Had a nice day out with daughter; won't be around tomorrow evening your time as I'm taking the train down to Burbank Airport to meet a friend for dinner who's got a stopover there for a few hours en route to her home in Sacramento. Won't be home 'til around 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m. UK time.
Absolutely STUNNING capture Alan. I've saved it to my LOTL folder. Thanks I'm almost out of the door now but don't want to Hibernate my system till I really must LoL
Fantastic shot of Marje Cirrus. Come on Eric where are you.
Sue C will try to bear this in mind especially when we have Odin back.
Hazel b said: Two invaluable tools for webcam watching. See http://www.schoolsobservatory.org.uk/cgi-bin/srs_uk.cgi?Grid=1&Map.x=198&Map.y=168 and a superlink for webcams http://home.pages.at/nadt/?lang=en&daylightMap=1
Two invaluable tools for webcam watching.
See http://www.schoolsobservatory.org.uk/cgi-bin/srs_uk.cgi?Grid=1&Map.x=198&Map.y=168
and a superlink for webcams http://home.pages.at/nadt/?lang=en&daylightMap=1
Thanks Tiger lots to look at here.
Unknown said: Hi, all. Thanks for all the chat, pics, and personal insights. Hope everyone is settling into spring. Our daffodils are in full bloom. They smell wonderful -- that is, until Spot, the neighbor's dog, pees on them. AQ: I love snakes. You would like Stinky, the snake who lives in my yard. He's 6 feet and quite elegant in his glossy black scales tipped with white. He looks like this: http://canal.mcmullans.org/black_snake.htm OG: Thanks for the light/dark nest explanation. Annette: Sounds like you're making progress on the paper purge. Hope you're coming here next. That's interesting that you left a jam jar outside so the wasps wouldn't come in the windows. We can't leave the windows open here, even with the screens. In the summer, we have those "no-see-um" gnats and they would come inside to the lights by the hundreds -- also, mosquitoes. Hated to hear that the swallows don't really return to Capistrano. Is no legend sacred? :-) Hey, a lot of new people are joining the site right now, and the numbers will probably increase as the nesting season gets underway. Do you think it would help new and returning people if the titles of the threads were made more explicit? Maybe something like: Weekly Chat (all topics welcome), March 28, 2010 Daily Update (LG nest chat), April 3, 2010 Feel free to ignore this suggestion. I honestly don't care what people say anywhere; I like the spirit of community here. But I thought the change might keep you from having to explain the threads so often, and it might help maintain organization and harmony. No big deal to me either way, though.
Hi, all. Thanks for all the chat, pics, and personal insights. Hope everyone is settling into spring. Our daffodils are in full bloom. They smell wonderful -- that is, until Spot, the neighbor's dog, pees on them.
AQ: I love snakes. You would like Stinky, the snake who lives in my yard. He's 6 feet and quite elegant in his glossy black scales tipped with white. He looks like this: http://canal.mcmullans.org/black_snake.htm OG: Thanks for the light/dark nest explanation.
Annette: Sounds like you're making progress on the paper purge. Hope you're coming here next. That's interesting that you left a jam jar outside so the wasps wouldn't come in the windows. We can't leave the windows open here, even with the screens. In the summer, we have those "no-see-um" gnats and they would come inside to the lights by the hundreds -- also, mosquitoes. Hated to hear that the swallows don't really return to Capistrano. Is no legend sacred? :-)
Hey, a lot of new people are joining the site right now, and the numbers will probably increase as the nesting season gets underway. Do you think it would help new and returning people if the titles of the threads were made more explicit? Maybe something like:
Weekly Chat (all topics welcome), March 28, 2010
Daily Update (LG nest chat), April 3, 2010
Feel free to ignore this suggestion. I honestly don't care what people say anywhere; I like the spirit of community here. But I thought the change might keep you from having to explain the threads so often, and it might help maintain organization and harmony. No big deal to me either way, though.
Diane Good idea and I will try my best to do this as it would make things easier for those who cannot watch all the time.
ChrisyB said: Hi, That might be me, just joined the osprey group. Ive followed them for years, got interested when the pair arrived at Bassenthwaite pair. I visit them when I can,nice that they are on line now. A fan of EJ and been following the diary, and more recently your chats on this forum. Looking foreward to this seasons's action!
Hi, That might be me, just joined the osprey group. Ive followed them for years, got interested when the pair arrived at Bassenthwaite pair. I visit them when I can,nice that they are on line now. A fan of EJ and been following the diary, and more recently your chats on this forum.
Looking foreward to this seasons's action!
Welcome ChrisyB lucky you being able to see the Bassenthwaite pair in the flesh so to speak.
AQ your noisy miner is my current wallpaper.
Hi ChrisyB, fellow Cumbria resident, I nip down to Bassenthwaite when I can too, although you see more visiting Loch Garten! That’s the trouble with work isn’t it, stops you being able to sit watching for hours...thank goodness for webcams : ))
Diane, thanks for the black snake pic. Wow, imagine having one of those in the garden, it would make me jump but I suppose you get used to them if they’re fairly common.
How about Daily Nest Activity 3 April for a title? I’m sure anything would be a good idea if we didn’t need to explain what was in it.
Terry in Cumbria
Hi TerryM.
LG Nest 3rd April?
Tiger, from your sunset times I see we in the north of England have 10 minutes more at each end of the day to those in the south, love those summer evenings. Even better in LG of course and auntie must be streets ahead of us now.
Sandy, well the shorter the better as long as it's clear, Annette can decide when she gets up!