Hi All: I'm a bit early starting this since it's right before midnight your time. Anyway, on the last page of the previous Weekly Chat, Tiger had some interesting info about what's involved in putting forward Big Ben. I had no idea. And Cirrus posted a shot of two very noisy creatures (thankfully we can't hear them!). And Soosin is looking for Karen. Had a nice day out with daughter; won't be around tomorrow evening your time as I'm taking the train down to Burbank Airport to meet a friend for dinner who's got a stopover there for a few hours en route to her home in Sacramento. Won't be home 'til around 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m. UK time.
Yep, we sure do Patriciat. Step forward please Odin - there's more than one lady waiting for you LoL :) Oh I see (and hear) we've just had a hail shower here!
Kestrel nesting calendar has been updated with the first egg of the season:
International peregrine falcons nesting calendar has been updated:
US falcons nesting calendar has also been updated:
and finally the eagles nesting calendar has been updated:
I see that we now have our 300th member of this group. I wonder how many more will join once the action starts in earnest?
Hi, That might be me, just joined the osprey group. Ive followed them for years, got interested when the pair arrived at Bassenthwaite pair. I visit them when I can,nice that they are on line now. A fan of EJ and been following the diary, and more recently your chats on this forum.
Looking foreward to this seasons's action!
Welcome ChrisyB!
Great news that the Bassenthwaite pair have returned.
Just took this screenshot from the MiIford osprey cam in Connecticut. I think Tiger mentoned this one earlier:
First egg at Lake Barkley, Kentucky:
Went to coffee morning, and then planted some potatoes this afternoon. It’s traditional to plant them Good Friday, even though the date varies. Following the poor start to the year we decided to plant some now and then more in two weeks time.
I now see that I haven’t replied to anyone since this time yesterday – so lots to catch up. Will be brief, but anyone I miss out, I have still enjoyed the posts, news, links, pictures – and your company. Annette – we too are getting clear skies, as today, but sometimes these are colder days, with the warmth of the sun opposed by cold wind. Hope trucker is doing the interesting bits when we are awake – as you say, N Texas rather uninteresting! You asked about money spiders – they are little tiny ones which, if they land on you, mean you will get some money – and if you knock them off, that means you will lose money!! (Probably a tale to convince kids that it’s OK to have spiders crawl on you!) Will try to remember Caerann when she gets back - I learned something from her itinerary – couldn’t understand travelling Minnesota to Chicago via the Mississippi so I googled it – I knew it was a BIG river, but hadn’t realised its runs almost the whole north to south length of the USA! AQ – some great new pictures of Willie Wagtail and Noisy Miner! Diane – I think the brightness of LG nest in early morning and LotL’s comparative darkness is due to different orientation, and the fact that EJ’s nest is in a clearing, whereas Marge’s is kind of tucked in among the dark side of the tree. I hope the live action at Pete’s pond will continue this time – when they promised a volunteer would run it right through March, it only seemed to last two weeks and then reverted to those two Zebras! Tiger – thanks for news on (our almost local) Wigtown Ospreys – I keep looking at their “miniweb”, but they still haven’t put 2010 on! Caerlaverock have started an Osprey Diary on their site, although their birds aren’t back yet (son of Wigtown female). Alan – great capture of Marge’s nest with the Loch visible. I notice she keeps looking towards the water as that is where Eric appears from with his fishy offerings. So sorry she has had more intruder trouble today. HeatherB – told OH that yours was scarifying the grass – only reaction was “perhaps he’d like to come and do ours”! Cirrus – thanks for mention of Karen – so sad about her old dog. Hope all goes well for her with Lab puppy. ChrisyB – welcome and congrats on being number 300! We are a friendly international bunch, and hope you will enjoy our exchanges! I am sure you have also found the Daily Update thread which is for the more serious business of the LG nest – but many of the same folks.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
OG You need to sign up for the e-mail updates for Wigtown. They are pretty reliable if the website is not.
See contact on here. See http://www.dgcommunity.net/dgcommunity/miniweb.aspx?id=205
Tiger Signature
Unknown said: Just took this screenshot from the MiIford osprey cam in Connecticut. I think Tiger mentoned this one earlier:
Alan This is a great pair of ospreys (assuming it is the same pair). They raised four chicks in 2008.
The male not only feeds the chicks he feeds the female too.
See http://www.ctaudubon.org/images/20080715_15-55-27.jpg
and http://www.ctaudubon.org/action/osprey.htm