Hi All: I'm a bit early starting this since it's right before midnight your time. Anyway, on the last page of the previous Weekly Chat, Tiger had some interesting info about what's involved in putting forward Big Ben. I had no idea. And Cirrus posted a shot of two very noisy creatures (thankfully we can't hear them!). And Soosin is looking for Karen. Had a nice day out with daughter; won't be around tomorrow evening your time as I'm taking the train down to Burbank Airport to meet a friend for dinner who's got a stopover there for a few hours en route to her home in Sacramento. Won't be home 'til around 10:30 p.m. - 6:30 a.m. UK time.
I love this little osprey quiz. See http://www.friendsofblackwater.org/ospquiz.html
Tiger Signature
Sunday morning all!
There is a golden eagle cam in Finland (not streaming). Last year breeding wasn`t successful in this nest but maybe this year :) Goldie arrived March 20. This cam has thermal relay (?sorry don`t know the real terminology in English) that activates when temp is above -0C. For those who are interested
...as if we need another cam....
my photos in flickr
Read through posts for end of last week when we got home last night, but was too tired to reply then. Just a few quick things … DjoanS – sorry about your back. Dau#1 who we were visiting has a bad back which is slowly improving and when I got up from sitting at the dinner table she remarked that she was walking like me a couple of weeks ago at its worst, so I guess I know how it feels! Tiger – thanks for the info of how they adjust the Clock on the Palace of Westminster for Big Ben (the bell) to chime the new hour. Patriciat - sorry you and Tweed came home without rosettes – but pleased Indy is showing promise.
Thanks, Annette, for starting new chat. I hope you have a great time on your train journey and with your friend – hope her plane is on time for her stopover in Burbank. Hi, AQ, Temp sound bearable, but that humidity – yukk! Pleased you enjoyed your history tour. Diane, how clever you are to be writing a novel – I hope it goes well. Got curious about the Haymarket Martyrs, so just had to look them up – similar episodes in UK history too. Auntie – just saw a wonderfully clear picture on your Golden Eagle link.
Our weekend: good journeys in good weather to and from Dau yesterday (about 100 miles each way). Didn’t do much except talk and eat! OH and S-i-L loaded Son’s stuff into our car and roofbox, then OH tried to mend G-Dau#2’s bike tyre but repair kit glue was empty! Now OH is unloading car before we get ready to go to another “Sunday Swing” lunch. Getting tired of eating out – think I might ask to cancel my birthday lunch on Wednesday!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Morning all,
Just a quick mention to Auntie for the Golden Eagle link. I am not aware of any other Goldies where there is a webcam so this is great news to me. Many Thanks.
Missions are calling and so much to catch up on. Be back later.
auntie Some of us have watched that cam for a number of years. It is a big fav of Mockingbird.
Hazel b said: auntie Some of us have watched that cam for a number of years. It is a big fav of Mockingbird.
Yes I think she loves eagles as much as ospreys :)
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Morning All. Was sunny here as we lay abed, wondering what time (??) it really is, but now we have risen & started our chores, its gone grey so I suspect it will remain that way.
Watched Jensen Button winning the Grand Prix, but I can't get as excited about motor racing as much these days as when the great Stirling Moss etc. dashed around in those little cars with hardly any safety measures. (not knocking the safety, but the whole sport has changed so much).
Thanks to Tiger for interesting info on the Big Ben changeover: didn't know they did it like that.
Our birds seem very grateful this year for all the bits of dog fur I put out on the bushes, never seen them collect so much of it. At least there is not that bitter cold wind we usually have (mind you, the forecast for tomorrow is dire...)
Have a good day All.
Forgot to say, thanks to auntie for the Golden Eagle link, Great photos. Added to my enormous Favourites list.
Also loved all the cemetary chat!
Morning All - we were in Gateshead for a couple of concerts at the Jazz Festival last night. Abdullah Ibrahim didn't finish until 10pm so home after midnight, desperate for a cup of tea, had to feed cats and put to bed (in a cosy ex-dairy shed), have a late-night bowl of cornflakes and fall into bed. Of course, get up this morning, sunny-but-windy, read all the new stuff, and now it's already 11, not 10 as my body thinks! We now need to get thebikes out but I hate cycling in wind so we won't go far today.
First thing I did was put the LG cam on, but haven't seen anyone today, although EJ has definitely been doing her HW. Has she been in today?
Tiger, thanks for the Big Ben info, never knew that. Annette, have a lovely time on your train trip and meeting your friend. Diane, will enjoy hearing about your novel (what other secret skills do people have?)
Terry in Cumbria
Terry I am glad you liked that info. I bought that book for about £10 in 1992 and it now sells for a lot.
Annette These osprey nests must be somewhere in your vicinity. See http://www.rekel.nl/visarenden/mexico/mexosprey.htm