WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY AUGUST 17, 2014

Evening all: Happy New Week.

Good day here; only two oranges left on the tree and just can't reach them - oh well. Two large containers of fresh OJ in the fridge and another one for daughter tomorrow along with a bag of oranges for her friend. Also gave one to the young family next door - and that's it for this year! Yay!

Diane: I told my sister about the challenges of my orange tree and she said that picking oranges didn't constitute a problem in her book. :-)
Geez. Please do whatever it takes to deter those yellow jackets! That's not good - you don't want to develop an allergy to their stings. Hope the new freelance project is lucrative.

Lindybird: Keep doing what you're doing re the cold. Funny - someone posted on our local community website today that they and their whole family had come down with a horrible summer cold and they got all kinds of responses saying "same at our house" so it's an international bug!

OG: More noise this morning (an electric saw - eeek!) from the property up the road and a birthday party next door this afternoon; hence final afternoon on the orange tree. Long ladder now tucked up for this year - except we'll have to tidy up the Monterey Brush Cherry in the fall. We planted a bunch of them for privacy and they're just about to start dropping dark red berries that are really good if you want to have a splotchy carpet. On the other hand, the birds like them. In the meantime, I've moved the broom down that part of the walkway so it's close at hand.

Have a good Sunday everyone. :-)

  • LINDA - sorry you are not yet feeling 100%.  Will you be delaying your time away?

    DIBNLIB - sounds a lovely day out!  Pleased the weather and Ospreys co-operated!

    WENDY - what a pity you can't find accommodation for the get-together - a very silly weekend to organise it!

    A very routine day here - now pondering over places to visit Friday and Saturday before the party - with indoor options due to forecast!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG my thoughts on the subject as well and did e mail my thoughts to Edinburgh but no response .

    Enjoy your family time.

    I do hope the weather warms up as on night shift at LG tomorrow and a couple of shifts after that..

  • WENDY - I believe it is forecast to be near to a frost up your way tonight, but not sure after that - if it is wet, I would expect it to be warmer.

    Just been talking to Daughter about her housing problem - talk about left hand and right hand not communicating.  She has now met the loss adjuster, who doesn't seem to want to use the contractor who was sent in by the insurance company to put the temporary tarpaulin over the roof; that contractor promised to get the piano moved out straight away, but it's still in the house; the drying-out company haven't yet switched on their machines (9 days after the incident) because they don't know who is authorising it; ... etc ... and the "flat" they are currently in, attached to the local hotel, has its bathroom outside, so the loss adjuster is hoping to authorize a properly leased flat in town.  They can't get down to see us next week as planned, so are hoping we can meet up somewhere before winter.  (They won't be at the party because other Daughter wouldn't invite the new partner!)

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG feel for your daughter... When in Dorset had a main drain issue under house. Eventually we youngest and 2 cats were rehomed. If I hadn't worked for insuring bank it would have been a total nightmare.

    Sad she can't go to family get together.. Been there seen it got the T shirt but life has to go on.

    Oh I have my thermals ready!!

  • Scotland, especially the Highlands, and N. Ireland, you could see the Aurora Borealis tonight.

    Feel better, Lindy.


  • Evening all:  Hardly any sun at all today and we still have Orioles in the garden; the latest I've seen them here.  Last night we had our usual evening visit from the new young possum on the block. I was sitting in my room with the door open and heard loud munching from the patio; looked out to see him scarfing up Lightning's dry food (Lightning didn't look too worried but cast a "Aren't you going to do something?" glance at my OH' who was sitting reading in the other room by the patio doors).  Anyway, OH finally spotted the possum and opened the door, whereupon said critter zoomed off into the garage followed by Lightning and OH.  Critter disappeared behind some wood and in true possum style "played possum" (i.e. pretended he was dead).  No point in trying to raise him up, so we all went back to what we were doing and a little later I heard more loud munching; looked out to see he'd decided it was safe to emerge and was eating leftover bits of cat food. He finished, then - so cute! - went right up to the (closed) patio doors and had a good look around the living room, peering from side to side with his nose almost pressed up against the glass. . I'm sure if the doors had been opened, he would've puttered inside to see what he could find.  Anyway, then he went and slurped up the cat's water before tootling off down the back path.

    Wendyb: How frustrating about the RSPB get together - I'm sure you can't be the only person disappointed.  Will be interested to hear if you get a response to your e-mail.

    OG: Oh geeze Louise, your poor daughter; nothing like adding insult to injury.  Is she proactive in terms of raising a little appropriate heck so they get their act together?  Maybe your other daughter will get over her aversion to the new partner; in the meantime, hope you'll be able to enjoy the party anyway.

    Lindybird: Should we buy stock in Kleenex?  Seriously, hope your cold clears up for good soon.

    Margo: Sending hugs your way!

    Have a good wednesday all.

  • Wendy said :- RSPB are doing a volunteers get together in September friend and I registered. It's in Stirling so quite a trip in one day so looked for accommodation. No chance as it's Ryder Cup at Gleneagles weekend. So sadly now unable to attend. Maybe organisers should have done some research as not everyone lives in the central belt....Grrr

    You are right Wendy not everyone lives in the central belt I live in Hampshire !!!!!


  • Good Morning, All. Dull here & mixed weather forecast. Wendy: What a shame they didn't coordinate it better, expect a lot of people will be disappointed. Annette: Laughed a lot at your description of the 'new' possum! Sounds like he will hang around! OG: Do hope your daughter can get sorted, it sounds bad enough, losing a roof, but she must want to get back to some sort of normal. I have been coughing but am now finally feeling as if I'm on the mend. Busy today: haircut this morning, then shopping, then this afternoon off to collect new 'specs (hooray!) and on way home, will visit Friend who is now managing to get downstairs & is still having daily visits from nurse.
  • Valerie this one was organised out of the "Scottish" office so maybe you will be lucky enough to have a down south event. But as I know where you live probably not that far south:-)

    Another dull morning rain looming for the 11th day running. Off out to by a goat to cut

    my very lush and verdant lawn...

  • Are you seriously buying a goat, WENDY, or was that just an illustration of weather-induced grass length?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!