WEEKLY CHAT (Non-Osprey) Sunday, July 27 2014

Welcome to the new week everyone.  Will catch up later today.

  • Thanks to those who hoped I would feel better today - I'm still feeling a bit "off" but hope to be back to normal tomorrow. My previous reply didn't post and I'm too tired now to repeat it all.
  • Evening all:  Took our cat Lightning to the vet today coz she hasn't been eating and lost weight. They did a blood panel which was fine but apparently she has a bad tooth so that's coming out tomorrow..

    dibnlib: Lovely pix - Benson is definitely a dog with "gravitas".  :-)

    Rita: Oooh. High Tea at the Priory sounds very classy and a real treat for the girls.  Amber obvioulsy a very elegant creature. Wonder what Benson would make of her....

    WendyB:  Our cat loves to sit by my OH's chair in the evenings, but the carpet was getting grotty where she lay so we bought a special - and what we thought was a comfy - little pad to put in that spot, but of course she ignored it. Animals aren't shy about appropriating a preferred snoozing area.

    Tina: We are in the middle of a severe drought but it doesn't seem to be bothering the weeds.

    Lindybird: Hope you've seen the back of that bug by now. Don't know why the site is being so difficult but it does get frustrating.

    Margo: Thinking of you and fingers crossed you've had no more storms.

    Heather: Assume your bro is still in town; hope the visit is going well.

    Off for quick breakfast with daughter first thing tomorrow, then home and back to OH's ancient files - more shredding on the list but it's sooooo cathartic!  

    Take care ALL

  • Good Morning, All. It was still very hot here yesterday, even though the forecast was for the temps to be lower than recently. My OH and I spent part of the afternoon sitting under a tree in the garden. It was a good opportunity to watch the garden birds, as after a while, they ignored us! Have watched some of the CW Games, most enjoyable and in the main, Glasgow has also been bathed in sunshine. Annette: Poor Lightning! No wonder she wasn't eating, with a painful tooth. I'm sure she will pick up if its removed.
  • Nice to find that my post actually posted! {sigh}. Annette: Its certainly satisfying to dump stuff - we broke our shredder but now have a bonfire on our allotment instead. We remembered that years ago there was a simple method of disposal, as everything went on the fire or the Aga!!!
  • If you are also having problems posting, you can go onto the Technical Thread, where you will find others similarly frustrated!
  • Good morning, all

    I have managed a very quick read back but somehow or another I managed to lose my reading glasses last week and hate reading with varifocals as it usually results in neck pain. Goodness knows what I have done with them, probably threw them away when clearing the day's newspapers. Life was busy when my brother and his wife were here and I do have a tendency to work fast and not very efficiently at such times!

    However I picked up that MARGO had reasonable blood results and that ANNETTE has had a nasty burn. I am thinking about the OHs who are not quite up to par and have enjoyed pics of little girls dancing and also DIBNLIBS photos. I am sorry that I can't say much more, I am working from memory :-((

    I must go to the optician, this is so frustrating.

  • BTW I spoke with MARGO yesterday, she and Billie are hiding from the sun. She and her OH are looking forward to their evening out at the weekend.

  • Good morning all and as always I have enjoyed reading the chat. Some wonderful photographs too, thanks to dibnlib, Rita and OG, sorry I have probably forgotten some who have also posted pics. rita you posted some beautiful pics of your garden for me a couple of weeks ago and I had forgotten to thank you for those. Love the one of your granddaughters as well. Another thanks to all who think of me Exact time they post.

    i am now halfway between chemo, blood transfusion and the regular blood tests. Did not cope very well at all with the very hot weather we have been having. I began to feel very unwell, thankfully it has cooled down a bit and I feel a bit better. Macmillan nurse visited again last Friday and met up with my OH so he could ask about things he wanted to know. We both found it very helpful. She did mention that the decline is often a quick process with this type of blood cancer. I will be able to have chemo for as long as possible and after that it would be regular transfusions. We are now making the most of every day and just taking a day at a time. My beautiful Billie is such a sweetheart, she sits with me most of the time now and we spend a lot of our days sitting on our respective chairs in the garden underneath the trees. I am so pleased that she became ours giving us both so much pleasure and love.

    Brenda thinking of you and your OH.

    Lindybird hope you are feeling a lot better now and your OH is coping with everything.

    Annette poor Lightening will be better after the tooth removal.

    Take care all.

    Love Margo x

  • I can't believe it, I posted at about 11.30 am it appeared, and now it seems to have disappeared. I am SERIOUSLY FED UP.

    ps have just checked again and it has reappeared. I must look on the Tech thread and see what folk are saying. AND!! I found my reading glasses. The one place that I didn't look - right underneath the lounger in the conservatory, against the wall.
  • RITA   Thanks for the lovely pic of Amber.

    ANNETTE  Hope it isn't too much trouble gettig Lightning to the "dentist" and that she is eating as norm soon after. Have been enjoying The Commonwealth Games. The highlight for me was seeing Libby Clegg and her guide win a gold in the para 100mtres. The way they ran as one was wonderful to watch. Saw them interviewed this morning. Do wish she had her guide dog with her.