Mornin' all. Geez Louise! What a hassle setting this up! I started a new thread and posted on it, but when I tried to load it, it showed up with no post from me, so I started another thread, and now the old one has shown up!!
Anyway, hope the Mods delete the other one, which includes a post from me asking them to do same.
Muggy and overcast here today; all very odd, but nothing like the exciting storms UK folks have had.
BRENDA: You and I have the same garage right now. One side clean and organized, the other.....oh well. Just spent half an hour shredding I don't know how many copies of my late M-in-L's tax returns from 1066 or thereabouts - hate to think what else is awaiting the shredder. And let's face it, how many hammers does one man need? Sorry to hear that MARGO had to put up with storms, but good that her OH was with her; hope she won't be out of touch via internet for too long - we do tend to take our connections to the big wide world for granted. I get very impatient when I can't get online. Sad, but true...
LINDYBIRD: Our dinner out was very nice; it's an older restaurant where the food and service are good and the prices are reasonable and you don't have to yell to be heard. Hope it wasn't that special dinner that upset your OH's tum; thank heaven he doesn't have to cut out wine completely.
DIBNLIB: Have never heard of Belgian Chocolate Brulee, but it sounds marvelous. Ah, I see you've gone somewhere, but where (sorry, I forgot). That's a very elegant snail.
RITA: What a nice set up to watch the graduation. Sounds very enlightened.
LIMPY: Hey there! Those videos are definitely weird. I heard someone in the first video calling "That's not funny." Wonder what the story is behind that - and the other one.
OK, it's leftover fajitas tonight. I'm off to sort it out. Take care everyone.
Just bumping this up.
Thanks, ANNETTE, for starting the new week.
Sorry about the storms down south. We haven't had any thunder and lightening, but there has been that thundery humid atmosphere which makes the garden grow. We had a lovely day at the Moth "Food for Thought" lunch at Cream o' Galloway on Friday. I was still on two sticks after Thursday's gardening, but managed a little walk after lunch, and the Moth's trapped overnight were well worth the close look at the morning talk. We also met new people over a tasty lunch and we brought home some of the wonderful cheeses and ice-cream.
Yesterday we had a very sociable morning at Lockerbie Farmers' Market, and we were able to have one of the "charity tables" and raise £11 for one of our South American charities by selling our surplus Cucumbers. The afternoon was busy picking Tomatoes, more Cucumbers, Courgettes and (my favourite) Runner Beans. In the evening I had to catch up on family correspondence.
LINDA - sorry about OH's reaction; I hope it won't last too long. When does he start the external radiotherapy?
HEATHER - I hope you are having a wonderful time with your Brother.
AQ - do look after yourself with not too much running about to help Daughter; at six weeks, the babies should be settling into a routine and she should be developing a regime to fit the needs of the three children by now.
DIBNLIB - enjoy the break - pleased you are setting off to see your Mum at the beginning rather than on the way home - much better for you.
EVERYONE - have a good week. We shall set off into the border region on Wednesday, so I should manage to look in again!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Hi ALL, Still humid here, but cloudy. Very misty when we went to church. Chance of thunderstorm this afternoon. The grass has grown with all the rain but can't cut it yet.
Annette, Thank you for starting the week, especially after having so much trouble with the site. Yes, it was Rita, who was clearing her garage. Our garage has become worse since we decorated and OH packed and stored 'things' in the garage. Some of which I have said has to be sorted into 'what needs to come into the house' and what 'can be dumped.' He did have to start, in order to clear a path to the gas boiler, which was due to be serviced !!!
OG, I am not very good at identifying the many various moths. Some are so beautiful. Sorry you were on two sticks on Friday as a result of all your gardening but sounds as if you really enjoyed yourself.
Linda, Wish we lived nearer. I love cabbage. Such a pity it is something else your OH cannot eat. A very kind neighbour of ours has been passing on loads of raspberries, even though I have repeatedly told him that my OH cannot eat them anymore. I have eaten plenty and frozen some, so yesterday when I found another full box in the porch, I shared them among my closer neighbours and asked them not to mention anything to the other neighbour. I was very grateful to receive lettuce, tomatoes and potatoes this morning though.Pleased that your OH is feeling better this morning.
I too wish we lived nearer LINDA's OH's allotment. We haven't got the space for Brassicas, but OH and I both love Cabbage; don't buy them so often as J won't eat Cabbage - which is really odd as he loves Brussels Sprouts!
A lovely day today, and the two of us did all the dead-heading and some minor tidying in the garden before J came home for lunch, which was a very nice Haggis Quiche from yesterday's market. Now got to get hosed down before a soup tea and the evening service; J is playing bass guitar this week as they are all filling rota gaps for those on holiday.
Good afternoon, all. I've been snapping a few of our garden birds - if you click on Goldie here you'll see him and a few others:
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Hurrah! have finished the other side of the garage at last! all swept up including hundreds of old cobwebs everywhere. Big heap of stuff ready to go to the tip. Bit of a cheat really though as I piled up some things neater than before, they will still have to be sorted out sometime. I also put four big trugs of unwashed flower pots in the back garden, that is another job to do. At least the garage is now clear for my son to off-load things when he arrives next week-end. I was so tired afterwards I went inside to sit down for a few minutes and fell asleep! Now I am off to wash the conservatory windows, I used to have a window cleaner but he has'nt turned up since Christmas!
Bowie has a rest after checking his emails:
Bowie that is a tree I know and love.. I think?