Our newly ringed and tagged juvies have been up and about, but at least one of them looks uncomfortable and ungainly. I'm not saying that it is worrying, just telling it like it is.
Good morning, all! We were most surprised yesterday when they came for the chicks on a Saturday night. I'm sure they'll be fine - I do wonder if their stress-free existence so far made this an experience to really freak them out? Or whether they simply didn't like being separated?
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Morning everyone. Another milestone passed.
Does anyone know if it is #1 or #2 that is still looking a bit unusual?
Tiger Signature
Looked a bit better earlier Tiger, then settled down to where it is now
One Life - Live It!!
I'm not worried about them, CLARE - it's just another variation for us to tuck under our experience-belts ;-)
PATILY, I was so preoccupied I didn't realise you were not among us :'( I did 3 videos - chicks being taken away, cam lens being cleaned, and chicks being put back. Then one showing they were more ungainly than usual. They're all quite heavily edited so shouldn't take too long to watch.
Scroll down from this page onwards.
I'm not exactly worried - it's just uncomfortable looking at them being a bit out of sorts.
Certainly a different scene than recently
Morning everyone!
Just want to say thanks again to Scylla and Limpy for the excellent recording of last night's events which I think took us all by surprise
I don't think I've ever seen the sat tag backpacks showing up so clearly as they are doing right now on these drenched young hatchlings! Every time one gets up I squint long and hard at its legs to try to read the ring, but it's hopeless! I guess the lesson for me today is PATIENCE!
Chocoholix shiny new 2018 Interactive Osprey & Chick Chart! (with clickable links!)
chocoholix said:Just want to say thanks again to Scylla and Limpy for the excellent recording of last night's events
Yes definitely a team that gets things done.
Very mature reporting all round.
I keep checking for a blog, CHOCO, but can't stay up for it any longer - SYAL :-)
Hazel b said: Just want to say thanks again to Scylla and Limpy for the excellent recording of last night's events Yes definitely a team that gets things done. Very mature reporting all round. [/quote]With a combined age of 131 I should hope so!!!! Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Just want to say thanks again to Scylla and Limpy for the excellent recording of last night's events
[/quote]With a combined age of 131 I should hope so!!!!