Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 13 April 2014


Last week's chat thread is here: http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/placestovisit/lochgartenospreys/f/915/p/111088/854210.aspx#854210

The code for this week's thread is WC130414.

On Monday night through Tuesday morning (14-15 April), there's a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in the Americas and the Pacific. In the U.K., you'll see a PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE. Sky watchers in the U.S. have the chance to see a series of four total eclipses in the next 18 months, beginning with the one early Tuesday. 

The moon will shine red during the eclipse. A vocal minority of folks here believe that this rare tetrad of total lunar eclipses -- the four "Blood Moons" -- will be a harbinger of doom and perhaps herald the apocalypse. Personally, I'm really looking forward to watching this first one. It should be beautiful!!!

Also on 14 April, Mars will make it's closest approach to Earth. It will be 10 times brighter than a star and will put on its best show in 6 years!

The Slooh Observatory is hosting a special online broadcast of both events. Check out the Slooh site for times: http://events.slooh.com/ I'm supposed to have thunderstorms, so I'll probably have to watch online. Dang it.

Also, the Lyrid Meteor Shower begins on Wednesday, 16 April, but it won't peak until 22 April.

Info: http://astronomy.com/observing/sky-this-week/2014/04/april-1120-2014

Info: http://www.space.com/25464-lunar-eclipse-tax-day-blood-moon.html

Info: http://www.space.com/25409-four-blood-moons-tetrad-lunar-eclipse.html

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week.

  • Thanks, Clare: such handsome birds! Don't think I've ever had chance to see inside one of their nests before.
  • Evening all: Very productive day in the garden but not too tiring, then BBQ for dinner and now waiting for Midwives to start.

    Diane: Oh taxes! Don't even talk about them.  We're paying this year.  Checked out those websites I use and no apparent problems with that bug.  Hey! Worse people to show up in your reams that Jane Goodall!

    NiteOwl: I am so, so upset to hear your news.  Please, please reconsider your decision to leave the site. We're all in your corner and want very much to be a part of your present and your future.   :-(((   Do let us know if we can help in any way at all.  Hugs to you dearie.

    Lindybird: Gosh, never rains but it pours.  Not sure if it will help, but prostate cancer is typically slow-growing and most men don't die of it.  Here they tend to take a "watchful waiting" approach in many cases.  Thankfully I have a closet full of hugs and have bundled up some more to send your way.

    fish:  Oh no. What a terrible time for your family.   Will you be heading to OZ?  

    Everyone else:  Sad and worrying news of various kinds to start our week. :-(     I for one will try to remember how lucky I am and be thankful for the peaceful present.  Hugs to everyone, especially those in turmoil right now.

  • Fish so sorry what terrible news. My thoughts are with you and your daughter and of course the whole family. 

    What a sad and worrying start to the week.

  • Good Morning: Blue skies with wispy clouds in them today. My OH is off for a haircut and I'm going to make a huge pot of beef stew for next weekend, when our Youngest Son and his family are spending Easter with us. Today is also our wedding anniversary, so as I write, my OH has arrived with a cup of tea for me and we have exchanged jokey cards. Not going out for a meal until tomorrow, as today is a Diet Day!! We have both nearly lost all the pounds we put on, on our holiday.
  • Happy Anniversary to Lindybird and OH.

  • Speaking of food, that reminds me of Heather mentioning the rhubarb. The rhubarb crumble was delish. - I use a recipe I had in an old microwave recipe book, which includes less flour but uses some oats, which give it a nice flavour. I also love lemon puddings, as I can enjoy tart, sharp flavours, and am thrilled if we are out and the pudding turns out to be a not too sweet lemon cheesecake!
  • Thanks, Margo! What is the weather like, there?
  • Lindybird a bit fresh at the moment but sun is up and we are in for a lovely day again. Looks as though the whole of the week is good as well. OH has put 2 chairs out in the garden, one for and one for Billie. She made us laugh yesterday, OH put one chair out and she thought it must be for her and promptly jumped up and proceeded to go to sleep. What a little character she is.

  • Of course it was for her, Margo! Remember the old saying "Dogs have owners: Cats have staff!"
  • So sorry to hear that some people have bad news.

    CLARE love the ravens.

    Beautiful morning here.

    Benson amused us last night watching the Masters. He was glued to the tv for a good 30 mins and he watched the backswing, then jumped when the club hit the ball. He followed the ball on the putting greens and on a few occassions put his paws on the tv table and tried to get the ball. Funny or what.