Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 13 April 2014


Last week's chat thread is here: http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/placestovisit/lochgartenospreys/f/915/p/111088/854210.aspx#854210

The code for this week's thread is WC130414.

On Monday night through Tuesday morning (14-15 April), there's a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE in the Americas and the Pacific. In the U.K., you'll see a PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE. Sky watchers in the U.S. have the chance to see a series of four total eclipses in the next 18 months, beginning with the one early Tuesday. 

The moon will shine red during the eclipse. A vocal minority of folks here believe that this rare tetrad of total lunar eclipses -- the four "Blood Moons" -- will be a harbinger of doom and perhaps herald the apocalypse. Personally, I'm really looking forward to watching this first one. It should be beautiful!!!

Also on 14 April, Mars will make it's closest approach to Earth. It will be 10 times brighter than a star and will put on its best show in 6 years!

The Slooh Observatory is hosting a special online broadcast of both events. Check out the Slooh site for times: http://events.slooh.com/ I'm supposed to have thunderstorms, so I'll probably have to watch online. Dang it.

Also, the Lyrid Meteor Shower begins on Wednesday, 16 April, but it won't peak until 22 April.

Info: http://astronomy.com/observing/sky-this-week/2014/04/april-1120-2014

Info: http://www.space.com/25464-lunar-eclipse-tax-day-blood-moon.html

Info: http://www.space.com/25409-four-blood-moons-tetrad-lunar-eclipse.html

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week.

  • LINDY- This is not good news but Christies are fantastic and you couldn't be with a better facility in UK. The prognosis is often surprisingly unscary with prostate cancer,especially in the older patient. They sometimes say that you won't die 'from it' but 'with it'. Your OH is showing the right attitude and the expected grandchildren will take your minds off things. Hugs +++

  • Lindybird I am so sorry to hear the news of your OH.  you know that you will have the support of every one here and as Heather says, your OH could'nt be in safer hands than Christies Hospital.   You both have such a positive attitude to this and this will help you through a worrying time.  And you have those lovely babies to look forward to!

  • Hello, all. Excuse me not answering all posts, but I still finding the tablet difficult to use. However, there two replies which I really must write today.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Niteowl – I was saddened to read your post this morning. I can’t imagine how that experience feels, but I am sure you are feeling all kinds of emotion and fears for the future. I can understand that you want to leave the past behind, but, as others have suggested, I hope that one day you will feel able to return to your beloved Ospreys and to this thread, as a safe and welcoming place among friends.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Linda – I am just so glad your OH heeded the “warning” and has an early diagnosis. As you know, our experience of The Christie goes back 25 years, and we are grateful for what they did for J at that time. I’ll write more when I work out how to email you!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • It's difficult to know what to say to such sad news appearing on this week's chat.  

    NiteOwl, while we appreciate your reasoning I must say it's very sad to think that this is the last time we'll ever see you post.  Please don't ever stop thinking of us both as your friends - if ever you want to talk to someone we'll be here whenever you need us.

    Lindy, we're so sorry to hear of your OH's diagnosis - our thoughts are with you both, and our fingers tightly crossed for the best possible outcome.

    Do take care, both of you!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you all for your kind words and support.  I was sorry to have to put something like that on the thread, but cannot see how I can ignore it and its best you all know.

    OG:   I know that you have had many years of connections with the Christie, and that you have found them to be very good. We are just so glad that my OH took the opportunity to be tested, and did not put it off, as he had no symptoms whatsoever.  If he had waited a few years until he had, it would have been much more advanced.  We have also heard that said, that a lot of men "die with it" without even knowing they had had it, as they then die of some other illness, usually old age.  Why anyone gets it, goodness knows.  More research needed, like a lot of these things.  As you know, he was 70 the other day, and a lot of people have expressed surprise as he really doesnt look it and is very fit indeed, apart from a creaking back.  When he went for assessment for his cataract op, the nurse had to ignore a whole list of things which he doesn't suffer from, when filling in the forms, and I said "he's as fit as a flea!!"  LOL!!

    We had a grey drizzly morning and put off a walk we were going to have, but since lunch it has brightened up and been sunny enough for my OH to go down to the allotment and pull the first of this year's rhubarb:   rhubarb crumble, yum!!

  • Lindy, you did exactly right in putting this news on the thread.  Aren't we all here to support each other when we need it most?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Absolutely, Clare, and its a great thing.  I do hope that NiteOwl will return soon.

  • Rhubarb crumble has to be one of my favourite puddings,LINDA!!

    I love that and any lemony pudding, anything not too sweet.

    I am noticing DIBNLIB missing from here, is she on holiday?

    My OH is loading the dishwasher, I am not coughing and spluttering TOO much but boy oh boy I am enjoying being told to 'go and rest'. It's almost worth having a cold.
