Scylla's Mission Control

I am sure all of us are indebted to Scylla for her tireless monitoring and recording. With assistance from NASA and work by a certain 'crafty' person we have managed to obtain a glimpse of her hitherto secret set up.

  • Happy New Year to you Clare! And of course all others as well! Nice to "see" all the familiar faces. It is time to be checking on the upcoming state of affairs, even in the midst of feet of snow here. >.<

    Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs

  • What a coincidence !!!  I was sorting out your contact details yesterday, CC - long story, best not even started.

    It's lovely to see you here, I feel better already ;)

  • Yes. Not long to go to osprey season. I am not as optimistic as you Claire regarding EJ but she is a remarkable bird so you never know. Hope you are better Scylla and able to prepare Mission Control in readiness for the action.

  • Post is Four years old now Lisa but MC is still going strong and some may not have seen it!

  • I hadn't seen this so thank you Mike.