ENS at the moment. I half expected EJ to be standing on the nest, like last night.
But things are quiet on the home front. Will EJ lay her first egg today, or will people call me a monkey's uncle? (It won't be the first time!)
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
absolutely no need to apologise scylla :-)
ENS again. It looks as though it is a beautiful evening up there.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
They're making our EJ look even more gormless than she occasionally does on the wide-angle cam ;-)
The mated as soon as EJ returned and I took snapshots but then couldn't find them - I'd forgotten to turn software back on after trying to change the background colour :-/
It all sounds horribly technical to me Scylla. One of these days I will PM you about recording with VCL (is the VCL?) I'm sure I've got it but have no idea what to do with it!
Scylla have sent email re VLC now await there answer.
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
Odin back on the nest, pottering
Hi Limpy, I have sent a reply via email
Evening all!
Well, given all the 'buffering' comments on here today, I'm mighty pleased that I was completely wrong with my egg laying prediction and EJ is biding her time.
Scylla & Limpy, I hope a decent solution comes through for you and anyone else who records for the benefit of the rest of us. You all go way beyond the call of duty and could never let us down because anything you do is a bonus in my eyes. Even the 30 second laptop methodone version Scylla!
In the meantime I've enjoyed the stills posted today by various people - the light in yours above Sheila is just lovely!
Chocoholix shiny new 2018 Interactive Osprey & Chick Chart! (with clickable links!)
Hi Peter it works, and again a very Big Thank YOU.
Best Regards.
HI Chocoholix many thanks