Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 6 April 2014


Last week's Chat thread is here:


The code for this week's thread is WC060414.

RSPB Scotland has set up a JustGiving page for those who would like to contribute to the reward and effort to find the culprit(s) who have killed 16 birds of prey (12 red kites, 4 buzzards) in Ross-shire.


From the RSPB Scotland Facebook page:   "You can also email Paul Wheelhouse, Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, and tell him you support protecting our precious wildlife."   MinisterforEnvironmentandClimateChange@scotland.gsi.gov.uk

Information: http://www.rspb.org.uk/news/367145-reward-for-information-about-poisonings-doubled-to-10000

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • Good morning all nice start again to the day. Had a dreadful night, think I got so excited at seeing EJ lay her first egg live. Not only that but Birdie posted some glorious photographs of her visit to LG. Brought back such memories of my volunteering week and found myself remembering the good things and going through the 7 days I was there. I wish I could have done it again but that was not to be. Off to have a hair cut later and tomorrow we are going for lunch at a local Golf Club which we have been told is excellent.

    patriciat nice to see you popping in.

    Brenda assume you got your car back and obviously had no problems shopping yesterday. Fingers crossed the problem has been solved. Guess it will be a while before decorating is finished and you can return to normal. Quite enjoying the ability to watch LG on my IPad, tend to use this on the evening to keep up with everything.

    Lindybird loved your description of your mowed lawn. Had a smile about your grandson, they are so crafty and know exactly how to work their Mum and anyone else when it suits. Mention of being patient prompted me to think out of the mouths of babes. I bet you were delighted with your bargain tee shirt with your favourite poppies on it.

    Clare wonderful captures of the ravens.

    AQ pleased to see you are nearly back to full health. Bet you were so relieved to,have a peaceful day. Shoukd think yourvOH will be relieved when you can link after Little Miss again.

    Annette hope you had a good meet with your friends and enjoyed breakfast. Turning to the issue of clothes again, wish someone would design clothes that are fashionable,  stylish and suit ladies of a certain age who do not want to look old.

    Heather so sorry you have the virus. Do give in as soon as you can and look after yourself.

    Have a good weekend all and take care.

  • Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good morning Everyone, Have'nt said much for the last couple of days as have been so busy watching all the action from the various Osprey nests! also have been doing lots of gardening,the lawn has had the first cut although it still looks a bit rough. It is quite cold outside today, cold wind.  Am off now to do a big food shop!

    Heather - I am sorry to hear that you have caught the virus from your OH, Look after yourself and get better soon.

    I also hope that Night Owl and Mulberry are alright, we have'nt heard from them for some time.

    Have a nice week-end everybody!

  • Thanks RITA I'll try not to wimp ;-) Agree, bright sky but cold here in Inverness. OH made executive decision, we have the heating on.

    ANNETTE - had to look up the word docent, can't believe there is such a gap in my education! Enjoy your friendly breakfast. I love the pic of Miss  D in her country gear, and agree, LINDA's poem will be great, attached to the pic.

    DIANE- I just got info from my bank that their site is OK. That is one less worry. Don't work too hard x

    OG- See that something went wrong with your post. I hope that you three have had a good week and that the trip to Cockermouth was good.

    MARGO- I am being told by OH to take it easy but I can't be that poorly because I just can't stay in one place for very long! Throat is being cut by a thousand knives but as long as I don't speak its OK. And me not speaking will bring relief to many!

    Rita R said:

    Good morning Everyone, Have'nt said much for the last couple of days as have been so busy watching all the action from the various Osprey nests! also have been doing lots of gardening,the lawn has had the first cut although it still looks a bit rough. It is quite cold outside today, cold wind.  Am off now to do a big food shop!

    Heather - I am sorry to hear that you have caught the virus from your OH, Look after yourself and get better soon.

    I also hope that Night Owl and Mulberry are alright, we have'nt heard from them for some time.

    Have a nice week-end everybody!

  • Hello Everyone, Still being busy around the house and popping in to look at the nests.

    Diane Thank you for further info info on 'heart bleed'. Pleased to see that you have more work/ project.

    AQ, The residual cough does seem to linger on. Glad your OH was able to relieve you of LM duties.

    Heather, Sorry you have caught OH's bug. I should imagine that you will feel quite drained and will have no choice, but to rest.

    Margo, Yes, the car was returned to us on Thursday. I didn't want to appear too obvious to the neighbours, but I did go out in it within an hour of it's arrival.  LOL

    Rita, We have to take advantage of any dry weather to get up to date with the garden but I know our temperatures are higher than yours at the moment. I am sure we have blackbirds taking food back to nests. They are taking mouthfuls of my robin's cheese.  I didn't think that young bbs would be fed cheese. I must put some raisins out for them.

    OG, Is it something we said ??   A blank post. 

  • Sorry - didn't know it posted!  "Playing" with tablet - got to learn quick as both our desktop PCs have gone to get their drivers re-established - have been selectively losing them over the last two weeks - his first, then mine!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:

    Heather: Take care and don't worry about setting an example of not giving in to illness. It doesn't work with most men - a sexist remark I know based on anecdotal evidence going back eons (wonder if anyone's done a scientific study on it!).    Docent was adopted only in the last decade or so as a substitute for guide, which now seems to be reserved for the travel industry.  Somebody must've decided it wasn't fancy enough.

    Off to get organized for morning out.

  • Hi, folks. I'll be back later to start the new thread, but it will be much later than usual. It turns out that I'm not as young as I used to be (what's up with that?!), and I need a few hours sleep. I got up too early. LOL

    Very warm here today. The grass is turning green.

    Feel better, Heather!

    Annette, I meant to say that I'm so very sorry about the beautiful hummingbird.

  • Sleep well, DIANE - and everyone else,   Been "busy" playing Trivial Pursuit for a "family evening" before OH sets off to Cambridge tomorrow after lunch.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • And you too, OG! Hope its a good journey both there & back for E.Eye - sorry its such a sad reason to go.