Day #3 of EJ's being back: since her return with a big fish, sticks have been procured, much pottering and waiting around has happened. Her voice has been appreciated all around, as well as some cries from unidentified creatures off the nest. We all anxiously await Odin.
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Hiya BADGIE! You ole lurker, you ;-)
Hi patily, Badgie and Margo!
muckyduck - there isn't so much sound right now, so maybe that is it. Sometimes my sound cuts out and I move the progress slider a bit and it comes back... hope that helps!
Hey - are we doing Daily Summaries this year?
She's so beautiful right now in the sun, I had to try a capture. Hope it works.
She is so beautiful CC and she looks so relaxed and peaceful
She sure is. It still stuns me that she just returned from migration - all those miles to return with the promise of new life in the spring!
Sorry I didn't answer you, Ducky, I didn't see your Q, me always missing things :-( But I wouldn't know what to do except refresh the browser :-/
As for EJ looking peaceful, I am getting an uneasy feeling that she's looking for someone in particular, no names mentioned. A couple of times she's flown off to the "west" (OK, to the left) and I'm wondering if a certain nest is in that direction.
Here, she flies up onto the campost, stays a little while then down onto the left edge of the nest, then, as said, flies off to the "west":
Thanks for all the videos, captures and comments everyone, its nice to be able to come back and catch up and look at what we have missed :-)
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Yes, scylla, she is definitely looking!! I love your fades by the way - very effective.