Last week's weekly chat thread is HERE. The code for this week's thread is WC160314.
The Full Moon is today, Sunday, and is known as the "Full Worm Moon". The Spring Equinox is Thursday, 20 March, in the Northern Hemisphere. Of course, it's the Autumn Equinox for AQ in Australia. This is the day that I guessed EJ will return. :-)
I think this worldwide Osprey Range Map is fun. You can change the date to reflect the times of osprey presence in a region. You can also change from Terrain, Street, Satellite, and Hybrid views. Zoom in close to see personal osprey observations. (It doesn't zoom close enough to be a security risk to individual nests, in my experience with it.) You can also enter other bird species and see the global maps for them.
Birds of many species are reported to be on their way back to their breeding grounds here in the U.S.. The southerly winds are now in place to help them on their long, dangerous migration. This website tracks mass bird migrations using weather radar. Interesting!
Oh, and half a million sandhill cranes are headed back to Nebraska (U.S.) to fatten themselves up on the waste grain in the cornfields before they journey to their Arctic nesting grounds in one of Earth's great migrations. Here's an article about the global crane population (I thought Steve J might enjoy it).
Personally, I was very glad to see the pileated woodpecker pair on my patch this week. I was so relieved that they survived the harsh winter. The warm months wouldn't be the same without their noisy drumming. The male was drilling furiously in a tree by the creek.
Everyone have a wonderful week!
I have been playing bowls. Great to see the LG camera is on the nest, but my goodness, all that greenery ! Where is the egg cup going LOL.
Hopefully smack in the middle again, Brenda, where the camera can focus on it.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Sorry to hear you are feeling so unwell, Margo. I, obviously, am not a medic, but don't let yourself become so anaemic, which could be causing the dizziness, that they can't start the chemo. I would think you are right, contact the hospital and ask their opinion. Very Best Wishes. X
Clare Bailey said: Hopefully smack in the middle again, Brenda, where the camera can focus on it. I do so agree, Clare, but I wonder if EJ can remove that green growth on the nest, there is so much of it and possibly with deep roots. Hopefully there will be some dry sunny weather and the green will become parched.
I do so agree, Clare, but I wonder if EJ can remove that green growth on the nest, there is so much of it and possibly with deep roots. Hopefully there will be some dry sunny weather and the green will become parched.
I see I managed the RF but have got a completely yellow post !!!
Thanks Clare!
Diane: Well at least it wasn't just me! :-)
Please can anyone direct me to the live camera for LG? I got it from Brenda's link earlier, but not in a format I can put into favourites!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Clare, all we need now is EJ and her wee family , lololol
Unknown said: Please can anyone direct me to the live camera for LG? I got it from Brenda's link earlier, but not in a format I can put into favourites!
♫♫♫ Happy Birthday to Eagle-Eye ♫♫♫
♫♫♫ Happy Birthday to you!!! ♫♫♫
Best wishes to you, Eagle-Eye!