Here's to the month of June where we hope for at least one of Lady's and Laddie's eggs to hatch.
There have been no early fish delivery yet. Lady and chick patiently waiting.
Both LG and Dyfi have had their breakfast delivered.
Morning Brenda
Cam still set in close up.
Lady snoozing gently...
Screenshots ©Scottish Wildlife Trust
Morning Kate. She has been very quiet so far.
Unknown said:Thanks for that KateP. I did try looking through the blogs myself, but after quite a bit of time gave up.
Morning Starling.
Am sure, you feel happier, now, to have your memory proved to be as god as ever CHOL:)
Am pleased that at least Part of the Perch remains.
Maybe Lady will be tempted back, as MaryGK says she looked so regal and if you like it was Lady's trademark.
P.S. Loved last evenings captures.Thank you.
Fish delivery
Morning SK2, I do hope she will use it again, as I always remember my first visit (not technically my 1st as I was there in the late 60's/early 70's but cannot remember much about it), Oh the excitement of going to see Lady, I could hear her from the Car Park, and then when I first clapped eyes on her she was sitting on that perch, so majestic! LOL...
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Great a fish delivery! Tks for the captures, well caught SK2
Edit: I mean well caught the captures, :-) not the fish! :-) :-)
Morning MaryGK
Litlle one playing the 'come and follow me game'
He/She is growing so fast. Maybe a she this year!
Ha! have said on occasions sure she is a goes Mum CHOL:):)
Golly anyone looking in would not believe a feed going on the this moment Ha!