How's about this for a lovely autumnal shot?

I've heard a few people mention that it's not been a particularly good autumn for fungi, seeing as we've just experienced the driest September on record.  

Well, we seem to be bucking the trend here at Langford. as I've never seen so much here!  I've seen numerous Birch Boletus and Shaggy Ink Caps around our silt lagoons and have still to identify an impressive bracket fungus that was growing on Sycamore near the footpath a few weeks ago.

The best show by far though, has been this wonderful display of Parasol Mushrooms Macrolepiota procera, which can be seen from the footpath that runs from our car park, through Fox Covert wood.

Though it may be tempting to pick them, please don't as it would be nice if everyone could enjoy them!