On Thursday 15th November 26 primary school children and their teacher Care Wilson, ventured out to RSPB Geltsdale to study wildlife habitats and food chains.

The children really enjoyed their day, dissecting owl pellets and and identifying the small mammal bones within and also learning new bird identification and watching skills at Tindale Tarn.   

" Thank you for such a great day.  The children thoroughly enjoyed the activities and came away full of enthusiasm. Both sessions reinforced our learning in the classroom and gave it extra depth"

Clare Wilson Teacher St Bede's

"  I enjoyed pulling the pellets open and looking at the bones.  I found out that there are five types of owl - long eared owl, short eared owl, barn owl, little owl and the tawny owl "

Connor Pupil St Bede's School

The reserve would like to thank our volunteers, Ron & Lisa who's support was vital to the success of the day and enabled the visit to take place.

We look forward to St Bede's visiting us next year as part of their wildlife studies.

Jill J