RSPB Geltsdale has kindly received four beautifully handcrafted hedgehog hibernation homes from Denton Woodcraft, a day service run by Cumbria County Council for adults with a learning disability, based in Carlisle.

The fourth "Hedgehog Hotel" was presented by Denton Woodcraft and Garden Links members in person when they visited the reserve for a spot of bird watching on Tindale Tarn and enjoy their packed lunch in the visitor centre.

These wonderful hibernation homes offer hedgehogs excellent winter accommodation, made from untreated recycled timber, with a generous enterance tunnel to deter predators.  Three of the homes are already located at the reserve and local schools, but a new location is required for the fourth home featured above. 

It maybe a little late for this winter, however if you have a quiet corner of the garden or school playground and would like to provide a home for our "Hedgehog Hotel", contact Jill at RSPB Geltsdale, email with the following information:

  1. Address of the proposed location
  2. Brief description of the location
  3. Number of hedgehogs observed in the vacinity

The candidate with the most hedgehog friendly location will be selected in the New Year

Photograph: Stephen Westerberg (left) with members of Denton Woodcraft & Garden Links Day Services

Jill J