An exhibition of watercolours, cyanotype prints and herbarium pages, the current exhibition, The Flora of Memory shares Canadian born artist, Andrea MJ Toth’s personal memory stories.  These are reflected by collected plant speciments, each one steeped with past moments, people, places and the ideas of being.  Layers of memory entwine into the spaces we inhabit, and we carry these layers within us, reconstructing them to become our identity. The intangibility of memory is suggested with the cyanotypes’ intense blue and subtle ghosting impressions, while physical memory is given through the herbarium pages of pressed plant specimens, collected in the artist’s garden, family gardens or from nearby Coalfell.

While the work is distinctive to the artist’s memories, it resonates beyond, welcoming the viewer to recall their own memories suggested by a flower, a shape or a place.

The exhibition runs at Stagsike Cottages from Saturday 9th Feburary until Friday 5th April

Jill J