School’s almost out, the six week holidays are upon us and there’s plenty to do at Frampton Marsh. Now where do I begin?

The tennis has finished, the football has finished but the biggest event of the year is still to come. Get ready for the Wildlife Games! (What did you think I was talking about?) The action isn’t just for the animals anymore. Follow the track to find all ten events in the wildlife games and see how you do against the best of the animal world. As all good competitions do, this trail has a prize for successful athletes. Though instead of medals we have something delicious. They don’t last as long but they taste a lot better! You can have a go on any day during the holidays, just come into the visitor centre to pick up your entry sheet. £2 per child, sorry no dogs.

There are lots of animals that call our pond home, from frogs to fish to worms, and they are all very good at hiding. The question is can you help us find them? With pond dipping we’ll go exploring the depths of the pond to find as many things as we can, with a guide to help you work out what everything is too. Guided sessions are on Wednesdays and Fridays, with sessions at 10:30, 11:30, 1, 2 and 3. Places are £3.50 per child with booking essential. On other days you can hire a net from the visitor centre and have a go yourself, but without us explaining what it is you are looking at.

Alternatively, you can find out what beautiful bugs our wildlife garden has to offer with Bug Hunting! Armed with nets and bug pots we’ll search through our garden to see what we can discover. After we’ve found everything we can find we’ll put our heads together and try and work out what we’ve got! Then we’ll release everything back where we found it as we don’t want them escaping into the visitor centre! There are sessions at 11 and 2 on Tuesdays, again costing £3.50 per child and with booking once again essential.

Finally, we still have a few spaces left on the Big Wild Sleepout. A fantastic event on July 30 with guided walks, making dream catchers, toasting marshmallows on the fire and more before going to sleep under the stars. Get your camping gear and come and join us for this very special event! £20 per adult, children half-price.

Guided events and the Big Wild Sleepout require booking in advance. For more information and booking please call 01205 724678 or email