Howdy folks! And welcome back to the Frampton Marsh recent sightings. With me, Chris the visitor chappy. So what do we have for you this week?
Well, it had been seeming to be a bit quiet of late, hadn't it? Oh boy, did that ever change over the last couple of days....
It was evidently so exciting, I couldn't even focus! And was without other good things like ruff, knot, whimbrel, summer plumage golden plover, yellow wagtails, all the cool things we found whilst pond dipping...
(No, we didn't find anything *that* big whilst pond dipping. Though some of the kids were hopeful!)
The day before was also stonking
The day before a little quieter..
Do you get the feeling I thought it was quite warm and sunny? The grass snakes seemed to like it though. They were popping up all over the place. Including this one on the path to the office.
Monday? Well...
So there you have it! Quite a lot of action going on around the reserve, what will the weekend bring? Some good tides too, might possibly drive some extra things in here or at Freiston Shore. if you do spot anything interesting, please do let us know.
Just want to also say that I'll have the reserve moth traps out tonight and Saturday night. We'll open them up outside the visitor centre at 10am on Saturday and Sunday. Come along to see what we have caught. Might be nothing, might be something special!
So enjoy your weekend, take care, and I'll catch you next time.
Reedbed, freshwater scrapes, saltmarsh and wet meadow. Frampton Marsh has it all! Come and pay us a visit soon.