• New Excavations Uplift Year 2

    Wednesday 24th July signals the beginning of an exciting phase for the reserve with the mobilisation of the contractors for the Natural England Species Recovery Programme funded project to create 15 islands on New Excavations and Dengemarsh Hide. The work will be undertaken via an excavator mounted onto a pontoon which worked successfully on the Re-Tern Project in 2017, this pontoon will be pushed around the lake into…

  • Recent Sightings 29/06/24-12/07/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Hobby
    • Kestrel  
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Peregrine Falcon  


    • Canada Geese 
    • Egyptian Geese 
    • Garganey
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Mandarin (female) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pintail  
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Teal
    • Tufted (Burrowes Pit) 


    • Bittern 
    • Cattle Egret
    • Cormorant (Burrowes Pit)
    • Little Egret   
    • Grey heron 
    • Great White Egret 

    Waders and…

  • Recent Sightings 15/06/24-29/06/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Hobby
    • Kestrel  
    • Marsh Harrier 
    • Sparrowhawk


    • Canada Geese 
    • Egyptian Geese 
    • Gadwall 
    • Garganey
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe
    • Little Grebe 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Mandarin (female) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Teal
    • Tufted (Burrowes Pit) 


    • Bittern 
    • Cormorant (Burrowes Pit)
    • Little Egr…
  • Recent Sightings 08/06/24-15/06/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Hobby
    • Kestrel  
    • Marsh Harrier 


    • Canada Geese 
    • Egyptian Geese 
    • Gadwall 
    • Garganey
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Teal
    • Tufted (Burrowes Pit) 


    • Bittern 
    • Cormorant (Burrowes Pit)
    • Little Egret   
    • Grey heron 
    • Great White Egret 

    Waders and…

  • Recent Sightings 18/05/24-8/06/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Hobby
    • Kestrel  
    • Marsh Harrier 
    • Red Kite 
    • Sparrowhawk 


    • Canada Geese 
    • Egyptian Geese 
    • Gadwall 
    • Garganey
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe 
    • Little Grebe 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Teal
    • Tufted (Burrowes Pit) 


    • Bittern 
    • Cormorant (Burrowes Pit)
    • Cattle Egret
    • Little…
  • RSPB Dungeness Trail Map

    We do not currently have a trail map available to download on our main webpage as we are updating the design and finalising the website launch. We understand this has been frustrating for some of our visitors and we are looking at ways we can remedy this in the interim. We have a large map in the visitor centre and a member of the team can explain the routes in detail when you arrive. Many people are quite happy to take…

  • Recent Sightings 11/05/24-18/05/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Hen Harrier
    • Hobby 
    • Marsh Harrier 
    • Peregrine Falcon 
    • Sparrowhawk 


    • Canada Geese 
    • Egyptian Geese 
    • Gadwall 
    • Garganey
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe 
    • Little Grebe 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Pochard (ARC) 
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Tufted (Burrowes Pit) 


    • Bittern 
    • Cormorant (Burrowes Pit)
    • cattle Egret
    • Little E…
  • Recent Sightings 04/05/24-11/05/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Kestrel
    • Hen Harrier 
    • Hobby 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Merlin
    • Peregrine Falcon 
    • Sparrowhawk


    • Canada Geese 
    • Egyptian Geese
    • Gadwall 
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)
    • Little Grebe 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pochard (ARC)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit)
    • Tufted (Burrowes Pit)  


    • Bittern
    • Cormorant (Burrowes Pit)
    • Little…
  • Recent Sightings 20/04/24 - 04/05/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Kestrel
    • Hobby 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Merlin
    • Red Kite
    • Sparrowhawk


    • Canada Geese 
    • Egyptian Geese
    • Garganey (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Gadwall 
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)
    • Little Grebe 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit)
    • Teal 
    • Tufted (Burrowes Pit)  


    • Bittern
    • Cormorant…
  • Binoculars at the RSPB Dungeness Shop

    Our retail manager Corinne introduces us to the range of binoculars available at the RSPB Dungeness Shop and gives you some things to think about before you come in and give them a try.

    We hold regular binocular demonstration days here at RSPB Dungeness in Kent, but we know not everyone can attend these events. So, we thought we’d do a blog about the range of binoculars we have to help you decide what you might like…

  • Recent Sightings 06/03/24 - 20/04/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Kestrel 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Merlin
    • Osprey 
    • Peregrine Falcon
    • Sparrowhawk


    • Egyptian Geese 
    • Gadwall 
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)
    • Little Grebe 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Tufted (Burrowes Pit)  


    • Bittern
    • Cormorant (Burrowes Pit)
    • Cattle Egret 
    • Little…
  • Recent Sightings 23/03/24 - 06/04/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Hen Harrier
    • Kestrel 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Merlin
    • Peregrine Falcon
    • Red Kite 
    • Sparrowhawk


    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Garganey 
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pintail
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Slavonian Grebe (ARC)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Tufted (Burrowes…
  • Recent Sightings 16/03/24 - 23/03/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Kestrel 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Sparrowhawk


    • Black-Necked Grebe (Burrowes Pit, Dengemarsh)  
    • Canada Geese (Burrowes Pit)    
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Garganey (Dengemarsh)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pintail    
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit…
  • Recent Sightings 9/03/24 - 16/03/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Kestrel 
    • Marsh Harrier


    • Brent Geese 
    • Black-Necked Grebe (Burrowes Pit, Dengemarsh)  
    • Canada Geese (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Egyptian Geese (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)
    • Little Grebe 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pintail    
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit…
  • Recent Sightings 2/03/24 - 9/03/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Kestrel 
    • Marsh Harrier


    • Barnacle Geese 
    • Canada Geese (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Egyptian Geese (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh) 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Teal (Burrowes Pit)
    • Tufted (Burrowes Pit…
  • Recent Sightings 24/02/24 - 2/03/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Kestrel 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Sparrowhawk (Visitor Centre) 


    • Canada Geese (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Egyptian Geese (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh) 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Teal (Burrowes Pit)
    • Tufted…
  • Recent Sightings 10/02/24 - 24/02/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Kestrel 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Peregrine Falcon (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Sparrowhawk (Visitor Centre) 


    • Barnacle Geese (Boulderwall Fields)
    • Egyptian Geese (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh) 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck…
  • Recent Sightings 3/02/24 - 10/02/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Buzzard 
    • Kestrel 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Merlin (Access Track) 


    • Barnacle Geese (Boulderwall Fields)
    • Egyptian Geese (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh) 
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pintail   
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Shelduck (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Teal (Burrowes Pit…
  • Recent Sightings 27/01/24 - 03/02/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Kestral 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Peregrine Falcon (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Sparrowhawk (Discovery Area) 
    • White Tailed Eagle (Boulderwall Fields) 


    • Barnacle Geese (Boulderwall Fields)
    • Brent Geese (Boulderwall Fields)
    • Egyptian Geese (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)
    • Little Grebe  
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute…
  • Recent Sightings 27/01/24 - 03/02/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Kestral 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Peregrine Falcon (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Sparrowhawk (Discovery Area) 
    • White Tailed Eagle (Boulderwall Fields) 


    • Barnacle Geese (Boulderwall Fields)
    • Brent Geese (Boulderwall Fields)
    • Egyptian Geese (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)
    • Little Grebe  
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute…
  • Recent Sightings 20/01/24 - 27/01/24

    Birds of Prey 

    • Kestral 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Merlin
    • Sparrowhawk (Discovery Area)  


    • Barnacle Geese (Boulderwall Fields) 
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)  
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)   
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Shoveler (Burrowes Pit)
    • Teal (Burrowes Pit)
    • Tufted (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Wigeon (ARC)


    • Bittern …
  • Recent Sightings 13/01/24 - 20/01/24

    Birds of Prey

    • Barn Owl (ARC) 
    • Common Buzzard 
    • Kestral 
    • Marsh Harrier
    • Sparrowhawk (Visitor Centre)  


    • Barnacle Geese (Boulderwall Fields)
    • Bewick's Swan (Burrowes Pit and ARC)  
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)  
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pintail (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pink-footed Geese (Boulderwall Fields…
  • Recent Sightings 7/01/24 - 13/01/24

    Birds of Prey

    • Barn Owl (Boulderwall Fields) 
    • Common Buzzard 
    • Kestral 
    • Hen Harrier (Christmas Dale Hide) 
    • Marsh Harrier 
    • Merlin (Dengemarsh, Burrowes Pit) 


    • Barnacle Geese (Boulderwall Fields)
    • Bewick Swan (Burrowes Pit)  
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit)
    • Greylag Geese (Boulderwall Fields)  
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)  
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pintail (Burrowes…
  • Recent Sightings 1/1/24-7/1/24

    Birds of Prey

    • Common Buzzard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Kestral 
    • Marsh Harrier (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Merlin (Access Track, Dengemarsh, Burrowes Pit) 


    • Brent Geese (Boulderwall Fields, Dengemarsh) 
    • Barnacle Geese (Boulderwall Fields) 
    • Gadwall (Burrowes Pit)
    • Goldeneye (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Great Crested Grebe (Dengemarsh)  
    • Mallard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Mute Swan (Burrowes Pit)
    • Pintail (Burrowes Pit)  
    • Pochard (Burrowes Pit) 
    • Shoveler (Burrowes…
  • Wildlife Sighting Highlights for 2023

    Black-winged Stilts- who successfully breed at RSPB Worth Marshes (our sister site) with four chicks fledging. This is a first for the reserve and we’d like to thank everyone who has worked hard to help protect these chicks.

    Pallid Harrier - this made an appearance around the reserve in yearly October and seen in the area for at least 5 days. 

    Red Footed Falcon - This incredible bird of prey visited the reserve…