We've been joined by a whiskered bat (Myotis mystacinus) who has been sleeping in Makepeace hide since yesterday.
Photo from visitor Patsy Carney - gives a good idea on its size compared to an A4 poster.
Photo by Louise Kelly
The Whiskered bat is widespread but fairly rare in England, Wales and parts of Ireland. They feed over meadows and water. They can sometimes be seen in mature gardens illuminated in flight by outside lighting, feeding off the moths and other insects that are attracted to it. They hibernate between October and March in caves, mines and tunnels. In summer they roost in buildings and trees. Babies are born in early summer, but mating would have occurred the autumn before and fertilisation delayed until spring.
So perhaps our little visitor might be here to stay the winter? If so, please still use the hide and have a look, but try not to disturb him as bats are a protected species.