As we’re just about to install some new signs on the reserve, we’d like to remind all visitors of Burton Mere Wetlands’ opening hours.
Despite the new signs, opening times are the same as they have been since we opened in 2011; the site opens to visitors at 9am, with the visitor centre opening at 9.30am.
Recently we have had an increasing number of visitors arriving before 9am and queuing outside the locked gate. This has caused problems of blocking access, both for ourselves and our neighbours at Barn Farm who share the beginning of our access track off Puddington Lane.
We kindly ask that all visitors respect our opening time and do not arrive before 9am, to both avoid your disappointment of not being able to get onto the reserve, and prevent access issues for our team or the farmers.
The primary reason for the 9am opening is to allow the reserve team to carry out tasks which would impact visitors’ access and enjoyment of the reserve, or be more difficult with visitors present; infrastructure maintenance and cleaning, vegetation management close to hides and viewing areas, and painstaking bird surveys are as much as possible carried out before 9am.
As we have done in the past, we will happily open early or close late in the event of a rarity being present, which will be communicated widely on our social media pages. If you don't already, follow us on Twitter - @RSPB_BurtonMere - and join our group on Facebook - RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands (official).
If you’re an early bird and want to make the most of the morning light, don’t forget there are other fantastic parts of our Dee Estuary nature reserve nearby to explore all day, every day; Burton Marsh, Decca Pools and Neston Reedbed all have their highlights, and you may find something unexpected, like the glossy ibis found there recently.
For any further information or explanation, please speak to a member of reserve staff on 0151 353 2720.