A few from my recent visits to Oldmoor

Inspired by Nicola's blogs (I have yet to bump into you Nicola on my way round) I thought I'd post a few of my own favourite photos of Old Moor - it's a 35 mile trip for me to get there, but there is always so much to see and everyone is so friendly there!  So here goes!  First of all my own photo of the lapwings taking to the skies!

Mallards having a bit of a squabble!

I quite like the pinks and greys together in the next two

Dragonfly (common darter - I think!

The cormorants who seem to have taken to those rocks near the Family Hide!

And one from down memory lane - taken last November when Wath Ings had a few more birds on it than it does at present!  All the golden plovers in the afternoon sunshine.

See my Flickr photos here
