• View From The Shed by Shaun Finnie - ART FOR ART'S SAKE


    How good are you at art? Drawing and painting, that kind of thing.

    I'm rubbish, truth be told. I never really progressed much beyond the 'scribbling toddler holding a wax crayon in a closed fist' stage. Some of my best work was done on the living room wallpaper fifty-odd years ago (sorry Mum). I'm totally in awe of those people who can put pencil to paper and come up with something that looks even…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie. BIG BROWN BEASTIE, BIG BROWN FACE


    Those of you who are (like me) of a great age and a slightly hippy persuasion might recognise the title of this peace as a lyric from a Mike Oldfield single from back in the days when singles were a thing and Mike Oldfield was a household name. Youngsters, just ignore the reference and keep reading.

    Oldfield was singing about being On Horseback, but it's a rather different and much rarer…

  • Alex' Wildlife Gardening Blog#2 WATER

    Alex, our residential volunteer's Wildlife gardening Blog #2


    Water is the most valuable resource on the planet. There really isn’t much that can survive without it. If it wasn’t for water, we wouldn’t have what we have, we wouldn’t be here at all. Which is why habitats such as wetland, marshland and fenland are so important for our wildlife. These habitats lend a home to a whole bunch of well-known species such…

  • View From The Shed by Shaun Finnie - LEPIDOPTERISMERISM


    I write regularly in this blog about the beauty of the birds that can be seen here at the RSPB Old Moor reserve in Barnsley. Seeing as the 'B' in 'RSPB' stands for 'Birds' then it's only to be expected that I place the emphasis firmly on our feathered friends. I, like most of you, am an RSPB member so they're usually the first things I notice on my wildlife walks. But sometimes it pays to look outside…

  • View From The Shed by Shaun Finnie - EVERYTHING IS A HIGHLIGHT


    A mixed flock of Swallows, Swifts and House Martins so dense that I had to stand still for fear of damaging them as they swarmed around me, feasting on the fog of midges and other flying insects that were so abundant on a glorious summer's day. The air was thick with over a thousand hirundines, miraculously missing each other – and me – by millimetres as they swooped and screamed in their feeding…

  • View From The Shed by Shaun Finnie - THE GULL OF MY DREAMS


    A few weeks ago I wrote a blog called WHEN IS A BLACKBIRD NOT A BLACKBIRD. In that piece I tried to show just how difficult it can be to identify a living, active bird when all you have to compare it against is a stationary picture in a guide book. Invariably the picture will show the species in clear side profile and perfect adult breeding plumage. That's a world away from the scabby juvenile individual…

  • Alex the Rezzie volunteer Old Moor Blog #1

    Hello, my name is Alex and I am a residential volunteer – a REZZIE for the RSPB at Dearne Valley Old Moor in South Yorkshire. In my blogs I will guide you through step-by-step processes of designing and materialising your own haven for wildlife, all in the space of your gardens, allotments or balconies. This series of blogs will detail lots of different habitats to which you can give a boost in your gardens…

  • View From The Shed by Shaun Finnie - THE AGE OF PLASTIC


    I know what you're thinking. You've read the title and thought, “Oh no, this is going to be one of those worthy but accusatory finger-pointing pieces where he bangs on about how we, mankind, have ruined the planet and how we're drowning in plastic and won't somebody please do something to save us?”

    Well yes, we have and yes we are and yes I wish that somebody could as well…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - INTO THE VALLEY


    We've done some serious construction and remodelling at our Barnsley RSPB sites recently.

    Firstly and most important to me personally, we have a lovely new shed at the entrance to Old Moor. That's where me and the other welcoming volunteers are located. Please come and have a chat next time you're passing. It's good to be able to take refuge from the weather again. It's been a soggy few weeks.…

  • Jane Wilkinson's RSPB Dearne Valley 'Eye Opening' Blog #5

    Developments around the sites

    As many readers will know, the RSPB Dearne Valley secured a large fund from the National Lottery in 2019, with additional funding form Barnsley Council – totalling over £1million.   The plan for how the site could be developed began to be talked about as far back as 2015; and the application to the National Lottery took a long time to finalise and be approved – but this amazing…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - BIRD LISTENING


    Like many of you, I'm a birdwatcher. I'm not a particularly good one – there's no way I'd stake my reputation on being able to tell the difference between a Marsh Tit and a Willow Tit for example – but when you're as old as I am you inevitably pick up a few things along the way. For instance I can tell the difference between a Redwing and a Fieldfare. They're easy to distinguish: one has red armpits and…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM.


    What goes “Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom”?

    No, it's not comedy TV puppet Basil Brush telling two jokes. Nor is it The Fresh Prince, AKA Will Smith coming here tonight to hear the crowd shake, shake lots of rooms. Or even The Outhere Brothers with an added boom replacing their usual “way-oh”. No, the title of this piece refers, of course, to a classic song by the late, great bluesman John Lee…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - WHEN IS A BLACKBIRD NOT A BLACKBIRD?


    We all know what a Blackbird looks like, don't we? We should do as there are over ten million of them in the UK. You might even have seen one today. It's a bird. And it's black. And it has a bright yellow beak like a banana, right? Well...

    That's a typical description of many male Blackbirds, yes. But what if he's a migrant that has flown in from continental Europe? Then…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - BLOW, WIND, BLOW


    You may have noticed that it's been a tiny bit blustery this week. Blustery in the region of 60 miles per hour. I hope you've managed to stay safe.

    High winds are my least favourite weather conditions, probably due to the high risk of danger they bring. You never hear people say, “The fog ripped my garage roof off last night”, or “I had to tie a string around the little 'un's ankle, to keep him…

  • View From the Shed by Shaun Finnie - MAKE BELIEVE IT'S YOUR FIRST TIME


    I've written quite a lot in these Blogs recently about “bird spotting”; counting, listing, ticking. It's something that I love to do, as I know many of you do too. I make year lists, life lists, British lists, world lists, tick sheets for places I'm revisiting etc, etc. I collect and collate information from the birds that I've seen in the field. I know some will say it's sad but…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - COUNT YOURSELF LUCKY


    Cast your mind back if you can (or imagine ancient history if you can't) to January 1979. Britain is in the grip of the economic 'Winter of Discontent' which will soon lead to the downfall of James Callaghan's Labour government and the election of Britain's first female Prime Minister. Punk rock has shaken up the establishment but is already on the wane as a new kind of music known as 'rap' begins…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN


    An Introductory Note.

    This week's blog is a little longer than usual and a little more serious. I make no apologies for that, it's about a serious and important subject. Please bear with me and try to make it to the end. And if you can't, don't worry – the usual fun and frivolity will be resumed next week. You know how I love a good frivol. Right, here we go....
  • View from the shed by Shaun Finnie - LISTERMANIA



    How's your year list going? You know, the list of birds you've seen in a calendar year?

    What do you mean you don't make one? I thought all birders did. A year list, a life list, perhaps a separate list of little brown jobbies that have only been seen around their particular home patch on alternate Thursdays? No?


    I've just read on the internet (so it must be true) about an eminent birder who clams…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - HERE BE DRAGONS


    Once upon a time at a nature reserve well documented in these blogs there was an evil looking big black bird. It had an oily sheen to its plumage, its wings were strangely placed in the middle of its body and it held its flexible neck stiffly outstretched during flight. To me it looked as if it had come straight out of the pages of an old fantasy novel. It looked, strange as it may sound, like a dragon…

  • Christmas Special - View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie


    I'm sure that you're all familiar with the festive song 'The Twelve Days of Christmas'. You know, the one with the Five Gow-wold rings. There's a lot of confusion as to when these twelve days are, with many people erroneously believing that they're the twelve days leading up to Christmas Day. That's wrong. The Big Day itself is not the end of, but actually the start of (or as some believe…

  • RSPB Old Moors New Year Day List 2022

    Send your 2022 new years day list to:


    And get your bird listings published here.

    Happy New Year to G Joinery:

    Magpie, Blackbird, Bullfinch, Moorhen, Great tit, Blue tit, Robin, Cormorant, Wigeon, Pochard, Shoveler, Coot, Gadwell, Common gull, Canada goose, Long tailed tit, Pheasant, Chaffinch, Shelduck, Crow, Mallard, Pied wagtail, Lapwing, Teal, Mute swan, Tufted duck, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Dunnock, Reed bunting


  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - LONG DISTANCE VOYAGERS


    I have been known to take a few birding trips around the UK in my time. I'm not one of those people who react to a sighting of a rare bird species by dropping everything and haring across the country in hopes of spotting an infrequent feathered visitor before it continues on its way or (Heaven forbid) a predator gets it. Good luck to those who enjoy their birding like that, they're sure to see far…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - YOU CAN'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT



    I was sitting at the Reedbed Screen here at Old Moor, scanning the sea of gently swaying reeds in the hope of seeing a kingfisher, bearded tit or maybe even an elusive bittern. Anything really, it didn't matter. I was just pleased to be out on a mild end-of-the-year day, away from the stresses of home or office.


    I try not to take my birding too seriously. Of course I'm really…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - WINTER IS COMING


    Game Of Thrones fans will recognise the title of today's piece as the House of Stark's family motto. The weather forecasters would say that Winter is already here, meteorologically speaking. The first of December equals the start of Winter according to them. Most of us normal folks say that the seasons don't change until the Winter Equinox, the 21st of this month. Some Scandinavians claim that…

  • View from the Shed by Shaun Finnie - HALCYON DAYS


    We've been doing a lot of work at RSPB Old Moor recently, most obviously in starting to create a new path alongside Green Lane so that, fairly soon, visitors will be able loop around this section of the reserve rather than simply walking up Green Lane and back again. We're also reforming the area around our Field Pool West hide in the hope of increasing the number of wading birds on the reserve, especially…