It's been another busy week at Conwy as we've been working hard to get all our visitor projects completed before the start of the summer holidays.  If you've visited us this week, thank you for your patience as we worked to complete the car park surfacing.  And thank you to the team from Brenig Construction who managed the project in a way that meant we didn't have to close during the works.  Next time you arrive, you'll find that the complete lengths of in-and-out roadway have been surfaced, plus a turning area in the centre of the car park, and a new coach parking bay.  The parking bays are stone, and we'd ask visitors to take care over the next couple of weeks while this takes time to bed-down.  The contractors will be finishing the work tomorrow (Saturday) and we'll put the signs up over the next couple of weeks, and then that's the car park finished!

Also completed this week was the Tal-y-fan Hide, with a great view behind you as well as out of the window.  Richard Hackett's mural has certainly brightened up the walls and ceiling, and this week the new flooring was added by Town and Country Carpets.  If you read last week's blog, you'll know that another supplier let us down badly with our hopes for a very special floor, but we're pleased with what we've got, and it makes the Tal-y-fan Hide particularly welcoming for the thousands of schoolchildren who use it each year as their Outdoor Classroom.

We've also been working on The LookOut throughout the week, and there's been plenty of summer wildlife around too, but we'll save that for blogs over the weekend.

Julian Hughes
Site Manager, Conwy