• Wildlife Roundup 18/03

    The arrival of spring is on its way with bluebell plants starting to emerge in the woods and an array of singing birds and drumming woodpeckers marking out their territory.

    Species seen in the last few weeks and ones you should listen our for across the heath include up to 7 male yellowhammers singing their “a-little-bit-of-bread-with-no-cheeeeeese” and woodlarks with their fluty serial lū-lū-lū-lū-lū-", toolooeet toolooeet…

  • Wildlife roundup 19/02

    The recent dip in temperature has prolonged the early arrival of spring somewhat, but plenty of birds are beginning to sing, investigate nesting holes and compete for territories across the reserve.

    Our first woodlark survey this week produced an estimated 12 males singing over the heath. Woodlarks are very early at nesting and setting up territories, because of this and the fact they nest on the ground is why are dogs…

  • Wildlife roundup 5/11

    This week we had a very exciting sighting at BWW. The first confirmed sighting of a Dartford Warbler since the rspb started managing the site this week, it was seen Tuesday and Wednesday this week north east of the crossroads in the heath. It seemed to be hanging around with a group of 5 stonechats, so keep your eyes peeled if you see any stonechats on the reserve!

    Other species seen this month include large flocks of…

  • Wildlife roundup 16/10

    With the arrival of the autumn weather comes the arrival of a few wintering species of birds. This week the first fieldfares and redwings were spotted on the main heath at Broadwater Warren. A flock of at least 100 thrushes were seen on Thursday, comprising of mainly fieldfares as well as redwings, song thrushes, mistle thrushes and blackbirds. These birds have traveled from Scandinavia and northern Europe to over winter…

  • Wildlife Roundup 4/9/15

    It has been a quite month for bird activity on the reserve. But look out for flocks of tits which are starting to group together; recently there have been a variety of other species in them including bullfinch, spotted flycatchers, chiff chaffs, tree creepers, nuthatches and willow warblers.

    Its a good time to look out for migrants passing through at this time of year so keep an eye out for species such as whinchat or…

  • Wildlife Roundup 05/08

    The emergence of flying ants at the start of the week caused a frenzy of feeding by several species at Broadwater Warren. Up to 10 spotted flycatchers with fledged young, Willow warblers, Chiffchaffs, Chaffinches and Greater spotted woodpeckers were all seen within a small area near the zigzag boardwalk. A male lesser spotted woodpecker was also seen feeding on some of the birch trees near the boardwalk.

    Fledged young…

  • Wildlife Roundup 26/6

    The turtle dove continues to be seen from the Western Heath. Woodlarks, tree pipits and yellowhammers are being heard and seen across both heaths as well as 7 churring nightjars in the evening. The grey wagtail has been seen feeding on the island on Decoy pond this week and a spotted flycatcher has been seen carrying out its typical aerial feeding forays from perches on some of the surrounding trees.

    At Decoy Pond, s…

  • Wildlife roundup 17/6

    This week we carried out one of our Nightjar surveys at Broadwater Warren as well as our Nightjar guided walk. 6-7 males were heard churring across the reserve and several were seen displaying including carrying out their wing claps. The best place to stand and see them is at the cross roads just north of decoy pond.

    3 pairs of spotted flycatchers have been seen on the reserve at decoy pond and the zigzag boardwalk.

  • Wildlife Roundup 5/6

    The last week has seen an abundance of fledglings with blue tit, great tit, coal tit, marsh tit, chaffinch, robin, dunnock and woodlark chicks all being seen. Several greater spotted woodpecker nests have been found across the sight, with one or two ready to fledge with chicks being seen poking their head out of the nest hole.

    Song thrushes continue to sing from the woodland as well as a few bullfinch and a lesser spotted…

  • Weekly Roundup 19th May

    Welcome news of the first Nightjar of the summer came when one was found on the 11th of May and then 2 churring males heard on 16th, the earliest recorded return of nightjar since the rspb took over management of Broadwater Warren. Tree pipits continue to be seen across the site. Woodlark, skylark and stonechat have all been seen with food in their mouths confirming breeding, with confirmed fledging of woodlark when a…

  • Exmoor Ponies back on the heath

    This afternoon 11 Exmoor ponies from the Sussex Pony Conservation Grazing Trust arrived at the reserve. The ponies have been a popular feature on the reserve in recent years and it's great to have them back. They do a wonderful job grazing grass, birch and scrub and that gives the heather a chance to thrive. They seemed very keen to get out of the horsebox and were soon at work, looking very much at home. They are currently…

  • Nightjars have returned!

    After having completed a long journey back from wintering in Africa Nightjars are back on the reserve. We had our first record on 11 May when Assistant Warden Chloe Ryder came across a single bird on the western heath and have just had reports of Nightjars churring on the heath last night (13 May). 

  • Early Bird Walk

    The early bird walk on the 6th of May resulted in an impressive 35 bird species being seen on Broadwater Warren. This included the first Wheatear since the rspb took over management of the site. The list is as follows:-

    Mandarin Duck


    Grey Heron

    Common Buzzard

    Herring Gull

    Wood Pigeon


    Great Spotted Woodpecker

    Green Woodpecker



    Tree Pipit



    Northern Wheatear


  • Weekly Roundup 29th April

    A Dawn Chorus event was held at Broadwater Warren on the Sunday. We heard a lot of different species throughout the site from wrens to blue tits as well as some lesser heard species including Tawny Owl and Lesser spotted woodpecker, which were heard not far from the decoy pond. Several song thrushes were heard across the site as well as Blackcaps in the car park. Tree pipits seem to be abundant across the site, the best…

  • Wildlife Roundup 26th April

    The first Cuckoo of the year was heard during the week at Broadwater Warren as well as the first common whitethroat. Willow warblers have started to be heard singing along the eastern track with several males displaying, blackcaps have also been seen in the scrub behind the car park. Chiffchaffs are being heard across the woodland as well as a lesser spotted woodpecker that was seen and heard calling near the veteran…

  • Wildlife Roundup 13/4

    Spring has started to arrive at Broadwater Warren with the return of summer migrants and emergence of woodland plants such as wood sorrel and primroses. Willow warblers have started to be heard singing along the woodland edge as well as several blackcaps. Chiffchaffs are being heard across the woodland as well as a lesser spotted woodpecker that was seen and heard calling near the veteran oak last week. A sparrowhawk

  • Wildlife Roundup 16th March

    Gorse is an important habitat and nectar source for a lot of different species especially at this time of year, so keep an eye on the bushes we have at Broadwater Warren. Last week a bee survey found several different species including Tree bumblebee and Buff Tailed bumblebee.

    (Buff Tailed Bumblebee)

    Several Butterflies were also seen on the wing including the first Comma of the year as well as Brimstones, Red …

  • Spring has sprung

    Accompanied Nick on a bee survey this morning in beautiful sunny weather. Flowering gorse provided an early nectar source and some of the bushes were humming, mainly with Honey Bees but we also recorded Buff-tailed and Tree Bumblebee, plus 2 mining bees that require further identification. In addition the gorse attracted Brimstone and Red Admiral butterflies and we also saw our first Comma of the year.  Woodlark were singing…

  • Wildlife Roundup

    This week a pair of Grey Wagtails have returned to Broadwater Warren at the Decoy pond. This is where they successfully reared two broods last year.

    Flocks of Meadow Pipits can still be seen feeding on the heaths as well as a pair of Stonechats near the Shooting buts. A flock of about 100 finches, mainly made up of Lesser Redpoll and Siskin continue to be seen in the Larches as well as drinking from puddles on the tracks…

  • Wildlife Weekly Roundup

    Plenty of birds are now starting to sing on the reserve which is a encouraging sign of spring on its way. Woodlarks have been singing on the Western heath and the Eastern heath off the main path from the car park. Around decoy pond Great Spotted Woodpeckers have been heard drumming and a dozen Bullfinches have been seen around the car park.

    Even though signs of spring are on their way, large flocks of finches are being…

  • RG Group Team Challenge Creates New Focal Point

    Huge thanks to the RG Group team who joined our regular volunteer work party yesterday. Having enjoyed joining in with last year's pre-Christmas work party they asked if they could come again and very generously funded the purchase of 4 more benches for the reserve. The team helped install one of the benches and create a brand new view down over the restored heathland. We are sure that the new bench and view will be very…

  • Exmoor Ponies on the Move

    On Tuesday our staff and volunteers helped Monty Larkin from the Sussex Pony Conservation Grazing Trust to move our resident herd of 9 Exmoor ponies from the Shooting Butts Paddock in the east of the reserve to Park Corner Paddock in the west where they will help manage the newly-restored heathland by grazing grass and other plants to give the emerging heather a good chance of establishing. We have had ponies on site for…

  • Heathland looking beautiful

    The restored heathland is looking wonderful at the moment with the heather in full bloom. In the foreground of this photo is an area cleared of dense young conifer just 3 years ago which has been transformed. Some of our Exmoor ponies can be seen in the background on a very contrasting landscape. They are grazing on land where conifers were removed last year. The photo illustrates well how letting the light in stimulates the dormant…

  • Wildlife on the Warren

    It's been a busy few months at Broadwater in wildlife terms. Out on the open heath we've had the return of nightjars, with up to five breeding territories established this year. Six territories each for the tree pipits and woodlarks have successfully raised chicks, which can be seen in family groups of half a dozen or more. Yellowhammers can been heard from patches of scrub wheezing out their notorious "little bit of…

  • Dormice doing well, why not come and see them?

    During our May check of the nestboxes at the reserve we found 13 dormice - our best ever result for May in the 5 years we have been contributing data to the National Dormouse Monitoring Scheme.  There are still places on our Sleepy Dormouse Hunt this Sunday (see events section of the reserve webpage for details) so if you'd like the chance to hold one of these -----


    get in touch with us soon.