Despite three days of dense fog on site, we've seen quite a lot actually.

The lapwings and skylarks certainly seem to think that spring is on its way, as both species could be seen and heard singing and displaying.  'Mad march hares' have also been seen chasing each other about and taking part in some sparring!

There have been up to six little egrets on site for a good month now, with at least four there all this week.  The number of wildfowl on site has increased markedly this week, with shelduck, mallard, shoveler, wigeon and teal, all viewable from the viewing platform.

Volunteers from both Beckingham and Langford have been busy on site this week, alongside Assistant Warden Jenny Wallace.  They've been burning the arisings from the hedge laying that we've had done of the last month and are making good progress.  Once that's finished, then 'all' we've got to do is plant up a few gaps in the hedges and repair a few fences, ready for the cattle to come back on in spring.

  • Hi there Paul,last sunday 3rd march i had 30 greylag geese,5 egrets,3 grey partridge,2 snipe,1 male sparrow hawk and 13 hares along with what you have listed above. I have been back today 9th march mainly for the hares but due to bad weather they was not showing as well! Idid see 3 dunlin on one of the scrapes though,many regards Ray

  • Hi there Paul,last sunday 3rd march i had 30 greylag geese,5 egrets,3 grey partridge,2 snipe,1 male sparrow hawk and 13 hares along with what you have listed above. I have been back today 9th march mainly for the hares but due to bad weather they was not showing as well! Idid see 3 dunlin on one of the scrapes though,many regards Ray

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