Buzzards - Life in the nest 2014

Former Contributor
Former Contributor


Welcome to the Arne 2014 Buzzard Cam Forum!

After a 3 year wait we have nesting buzzards. We have a least 2 eggs. The first of these was laid on Tuesday 4th May with the second appearing on Thursday.

Buzzards incubate for about 34 days so by my reckoning we should have the first chick in the first week of May. I am going to be the first to guess at the 4th.

If any one else wants to guess dates please feel free.

Also it would be great to record interesting happenings from the nest especially as we get close to hatching time.

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  • Thanks Wendy and also for all your lovely photos and postings to keep us all so up to date in following these lovely chicks right from the very beginning, as you always do - really appreciated :-)

  • The buzzards have been fantastic to watch this year.  As you say Wendy, it's a real shame about the untimely failure.  The buzzard family have been seen flying around together.  One parent flew over the car park at 8pm last night carrying a small mammal, possibly for a fledgling.  Thanks for all the interesting comments and pictures on the forum.  Fingers crossed that they return to the nest next year and the kestrels have better luck.

  • Thanks PW for your kind comments, just so pleased you enjoy as much as I do!

    Thanks too JW for updates, have been checking nest quite regularly for any roosting but no luck!  I also wish for more successful nests next year, definitely missed following your Kestrels especially as mine here failed to nest for the first time in recent history!!

    Where will cam be sited next?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr