• Farmers and RSPB champion agri-environment at the European Parliament

    What do you get if you put a farmer, an MEP and the RSPB in the same room to talk about Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform? Sadly there’s no punch line (and the answer is definitely not ‘punches’!) - instead you’re likely to get a passionate discussion about the importance of agri-environment schemes and the urgent need for the CAP to target support at High Nature Value farming systems.

  • Want practical advice on how to build wildlife conservation into your farm management?

    Come on an RSPB training course!

    Whether you're an arable farmer who wants to get the best from your agri-environment scheme, or an advisor looking to help clients to integrate conservation into their land management, we can offer you expert training at various locations around the country. Courses include a mix of theory and demonstration to show you the theory into practice, and are delivered by our expert team

  • Want to help shape the future of food and farming in England?

    Well now you can!  Visit Defra’s new Green Food Project discussion forum and let them know what you think on topics including waste, diet, the role of new technology and how we should manage our land to produce a healthy environment as well as food.

    In the Natural Environment White Paper, the Government promised to get together with stakeholders to discuss how to “reconcile how we will achieve our goals of improving…

  • It's the Little Things...

    Don’t you find that the world always seems better when you’re out in the fresh air, enjoying the steady arrival of spring? 

    We outdoor types on the Eastern England farmland advisory team certainly think so. 

    Looking at various winged things with RSPB and Buglife farmland bods


    Happily this week we had chance to visit one of our favourite farms, meet up with some colleagues from BuglifeThe Invertebrate…

  • 86% of farmers agree with 84% of the general public......

    That helping farmland wildlife is important......That level of consensus can’t happen too often.
    The results of a ‘Voluntary Initiative’ survey amongst farmers was recently published. It encouragingly found that 86% of farmers agree that environmental management and wildlife conservation are important parts of their farm management.
    It seems to have been the season for rural surveys, because another

  • A voice for nature friendly farmers?


    Recently I was fortunate enough to meet with Liberal Democrat MEP Andrew Duff and his team along with my colleagues to discuss the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the current reform proposals and the need for a fairer CAP for wildlife, farmers and the EU tax payer.

    We had a wide ranging discussion including the current situation in Cyprus regarding the continued, illegal and unnecessary slaughter…

  • Who’s ever heard of the bull-nosed swollen-knee?

    By Nick Tomalin, Stone-curlew Project Officer

    Who’s ever heard of the bull-nosed swollen-knee? No? How about Burhinus oedicnemus? Still nothing? What if I said stone-curlew? Now I hear a tiny groan of recognition, though I suspect that many of those who have heard of the species may already be working with it. Not many people have ever seen or heard a stone-curlew (not to be confused with the totally unrelated…