• Watch your Step to help protect breeding wetland birds

    Over half of England’s most threatened breeding birds are ground nesting, including lapwing, redshank and avocet. RSPB Communications Officer, Sydney Henderson, investigates why lapwings are in trouble, and what the RSPB is doing to help.
  • Inspiring the next generation of conservationists

    Yvonne Hunt, RSPB Youth Partnerships Officer, tells us about our exciting partnership with Girlguiding LaSER and how lockdown has seen even more girls and young women turn to nature for a positive boost during these difficult times. (See photo left ...
  • Wild England: What to see and do this April

    What wildflowers will you discover this spring? RSPB England’s Becca Smith takes a look at the wonderful world of wildflowers and the wildlife it benefits this April.
  • What do new Environment Principles mean for nature in the Oxford-Cambridge Arc?

    England Policy and Advocacy Communications Manager Rupert Masefield reflects on the outlook for nature following recent Government announcements and the launch of new Environment Principles supported by the Arc’s local council leaders.

    News on Government’s ambitions for “transformative economic growth” in what has become known as the Oxford-Cambridge Arc has been thin on the ground over the last year, but February…

  • Welcoming back breeding Black-Tailed Godwits

    RSPB England's Sara Humphrey follows black-tailed godwit Hurricane on his migration to Portugal, and explores what can be done to protect these threatened birds.

    It’s starting to feel like spring in England! Across the world, that means some incredible wild journeys are underway. For some of our most threatened breeding species, returning home to nest after a winter abroad can mean flying thousands of miles

  • HS2, Wild Birds and the Law

    With the birds nesting season nearly with us, we are starting to receive reports of HS2 contractors destroying birds nests along the route of the line. The RSPB's Tony Whitehead recalls the advice the RSPB gave last year to any member of the public witnessing such destruction ... 

    All nesting birds are offered basic protection in law. We assume HS2Ltd know this. Here’s a quick summary of the key points:

     1. Under…

  • The National Trust, RSPB and The Wildlife Trusts urge the Government to unlock the potential of England’s protected landscapes

    National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) cover a quarter of England. They could and should be leading the nation’s fight against the ecological and climate emergencies, and offering everyone a chance to access nature, but an expert review in 2019 found that they are falling a long way short of their potential. Successive surveys have shown the public appetite for them to play these roles and the…

  • The Rise of the Young Female Birder

    The world of social media is creating more opportunities for community building and better representation in birdwatching, and new generation of birders are taking to the skies: the rise of the young female birder. For International Women’s Day 2021, we hear from some young female birders, on how they got into birding, and why they enjoy it:

    Hannah, 18, @hannahgraceslim

      For me birding began as, and still is, a form…

  • Saving Swanscombe

    Donna Zimmer is a campaigner and RSPB volunteer based in Kent. Here she describes the Swanscombe Peninsula, and the work of the “Save Swanscombe Peninsula” Group 

    Swanscombe Peninsula in Kent is one of my favourite green spaces. It’s an urban wilderness with an outstanding variety of habitats that attracts some very special species. This includes a wide diversity of invertebrate species, including over 250 species of…

  • Top Five Nature Friendly Gardening Tips for March

    RSPB's Morwenna Alldis reveals how to make your garden a haven for nature this month For me, March is the month of awakening in nature. New leaves and buds are fattening and unfurling. Many creatures that have spent the winter months snoozing, are no...
  • New partnership formed to save England's threatened Curlews

    The Curlew Recovery Partnership is a new, exciting and transformative initiative, bringing together all those with an interest in Curlew conservation, including land managers, farmers, gamekeepers, policymakers and researchers. They are joining forces to help secure the future of one of England’s most iconic and threatened species, the Eurasian Curlew.
  • Wild England: What to see and do this March.

    As the days get longer and warmer, spring is the perfect time to experience nature bloom, sing and thrive outside our windows. RSPB England’s, Oriole Wagstaff reveals five signs of spring to look out for this month.
  • Celebrating LGBT+ History Month

    RSPB Starlings member, Anna Franklin, and Communications Officer, Sydney Henderson, delve into the history of prominent LGBTQIA+ figures in conservation and natural science.

    LGBT+ History Month is an annual, month-long celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history — held every February in the UK — which highlights the many and varied contributions that LGBTQIA+ people have made, and continue to…

  • How to give nature a helping hand during nesting season

      Photo credit: starling by Eleanor Bentall

    It’s National Nest Box Week! With so many of us seeking solace in nature to help lift our spirits through lockdown, lots of you are asking us how you can encourage birds to nest in your gardens this year.

    Nest boxes have huge benefits for some of our struggling garden species and we know that watching our feathered friends raise new families can provide hours of enjoyment…

  • When Do Birds Start Looking for Nest sites?

    RSPB's Morwenna Alldis reveals what kick starts nesting season for our birds, how songbirds construct their incredible nests, and how we can help our garden friends feather their nests this spring. I don’t know about you, but to me it’s f...
  • Wildlife charities call for new vision after Forestry England replant conifers on precious heathland

    The following press release was issued by RSPB England today ... 

    The RSPB, Dorset Wildlife TrustPlantlifeAmphibian and Reptile Conservation and Butterfly Conservation have today expressed concern after Forestry England’s (FE) decision to replant pine trees on precious heathland in Wareham Forest. In the current ecological emergency, they urge FE to begin working with them on a new heathland vision for FE’s estate in Purbeck. 


  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021

    Today (Thursday 11th February) is International Day of Women and Girls in Science, so what better time to celebrate the women making a difference in the world of conservation science? As the UK’s largest nature conservation charity, we’re taking a look at what life is like as a woman in conservation science, and advice for others wanting to get into conservation science…

    Founded in 1889, the RSPB began…

  • Wild England: What to see and do this February

    Discover how wildlife show their affections this February, as well as ways to help show your love for nature from the comfort of your own home ahead of Valentine’s Day.
  • England Director, Emma Marsh, pens letter to Mayoral candidates urging nature-first approach

    On 6th May 2021 the England local and mayoral elections will take place. If you are a constituent of one of the local authorities or combined authorities where candidates are up for election, you have the opportunity to vote for what matters to you. Senior Policy Officer, Natalie Le Brun, shares why speaking up now is crucial and we publish the letter Emma Marsh has sent to Sadiq Khan (and many more regional candidates) today…

  • Record-Breaking Cranes and Black-Tailed Godwits Make a Splash this World Wetland Day

    In celebration of World Wetland Day RSPB’s Sara Humphrey and Morwenna Alldis reveal the importance of the UK’s wetlands and how the RSPB is helping to look after these threatened spaces and the special wildlife that relies on them. Today ...
  • Saying thank you to nature: Big Garden Birdwatch 2021

    The RSPB’s Becca Smith tells of how Big Garden Birdwatch is the easiest “thank you” you can give to nature this January and shares her top tips.
  • Wild England: What to see and do this January.

    Learn how your New Year’s resolutions can help nature with the RSPB’s 5 easy ideas
  • Alex Chapman: a young naturalist's guide to British bats

    Alex Chapman (19) is a naturalist and assistant ecologist from Dorset in the South West of England. He is one of around a dozen young ambassadors for the Cameron Bespolka Trust, working in partnership with the RSPB to develop Cameron’s Cottage on Franchises Lodge nature reserve in the New Forest. In this blog, Alex talks to the RSPB about the importance of many of the bats he has been working to conserve throughout 2020…

  • New report reveals increasing risk to iconic English birds

    Turtle doves and grey partridges, which both feature in the ‘12 Days of Christmas’ carol, and nightingales and cuckoos, which have long been thought of as the traditional sounds of spring; are all struggling to breed and thrive in our English countryside.  The State of the UK’s Birds 2020 (SUKB) - the one-stop shop for all the latest results from bird surveys and monitoring studies across the UK – this…