Over the past week I have been contacted by many people through a variety of media about the RSPB’s position on grouse shooting.

It’s fair to say that I have had a mixed response – some offering full support (which is much appreciated), while others wishing we would back the call for a ban (these are also appreciated, especially the polite ones). A flavour of the critique is captured in the comments on Friday's blog but some of the criticisms that we have received (usually via twitter) have been, let’s say, more blunt.

So, I thought that it would be useful to share a few insights into our position.

The RSPB is an evidence-based organisation but also one with values. Our values reflect our charitable objectives to undertake conservation for the public good.

For example, we are supportive of renewable energy in the fight against climate change, but we oppose developments that will impact on wildlife populations and important habitats. On the other hand, we are against airport expansion unless or until it can be demonstrated that a growth in capacity will be consistent with obligations to greenhouse gas reduction targets.

Equally, we are neither for or against organic or farming that uses pesticides or even GM crops. We care about the impact that those farming practices have on the natural environment and we work with any farming system to help recover farmland wildlife populations.

We are also neutral on the ethics of shooting but we do care about the environmental consequences of that activity.

And the growing evidence of the environmental impact of ever intensive driven grouse shooting led us in 2012 to conclude that self-regulation of this industry had failed and so we would advocate a licensing system designed to reduce the negative impacts.

Others, including two of the RSPB’s Vice-Presidents and my predecessor, Mark Avery, would like us to go further and are calling for a ban on driven grouse shooting.

I have doubts as to the viability of such a proposition but I respect their position, even though I disagree with it. What I do not respect, is the drip-drip of scorn that is levelled at the RSPB about our position and our wider work to protect birds of prey.

On this issue and in this job, I have learnt not to get riled by comments but when people have implied over the past week that we do not have the courage to support a ban on grouse shooting, I take exception.

To me, courage is staying up all night protect a hen harrier nest. Courage is managing a nature reserve next to an intensively managed grouse shoot, where the gamekeepers of the neighbouring estate patrol the borders, yes with guns. Courage is installing cameras on estates where bird of prey crime is thought to happen in the hope of catching the criminals in the act. Courage is appearing in a witness stand in the face of a defence lawyer who attacks both the evidence and the character of the person providing it.

This is the courage that RSPB staff and volunteers demonstrate again and again. And I will go further and suggest that courage is looking your friends at Natural England in the eye and telling them that they were wrong to enter into an ill-conceived management agreement with Walshaw Moor Estate and that this would trigger a legal challenge.

It also takes courage when members of the shooting community speak out against others who need to improve the way their shooting estates are managed.

I think that change is coming. In Scotland, the Government is seriously considering whether to introduce a licensing system for driven grouse shooting. This is long overdue but would be a welcome step.

Given our neutrality on the ethics of shooting, we do not make a judgement about the rights or wrongs of people driving red grouse across a moor to be shot (provided it does not affect the conservation status of red grouse).  We focus our efforts on the environmental damage caused by grouse shooting: the peatlands that are damaged by burning, the water that is polluted, the predators that are illegal killed. We believe that a licensing system, a reformed approach to consenting burning on peatlands, restoration of these special sites coupled with better enforcement and tougher penalties for wildlife crime can address these issues. And we will work with anyone to make this happen and give credit when and where it is due.

As I have written previously, if the economics of any business – including grouse shooting – was dependent on environmentally unsustainable practices, then I would argue that it was time for that business to change.

I do not expect that this blog will change the minds of those that support a ban – indeed, that is not my motivation. To those that do not like our position because you want us to support a ban, I at least ask you to respect our position. To those that do not like it because it challenges your sport, I ask that you look at the growing public concern associated with your sport and encourage you to seek reform from within the shooting community.

If you have any comments on this blog, as ever, it would be great to hear your views.

  • I think the RSPBs approach is likely to produce better control over driven grouse moor shooting in the long run than a call for a ban of this nasty "sport", which I cannot see this current Government accepting with all its vested interests in the nasty sport.

    One issue that I think needs to be thought about is that the call for a complete ban is clear and one to which people can easily rally, whereas the call by the RSPB for licensing is slightly less clear as a clarion call. The RSPB therefore needs to make sure that its campaign to control this nasty sport and all the illegal activities directed against our moorland wildlife that go with it, needs to be kept on as high a profile as possible in order to gather and maintain as much public support as possible.

     It maybe necessary in the end, if this Government steadfastly fails to take any significant action to control these nasty activities on grouse moors, to support the call for a ban on driven grouse shooting, but I don't think we are at that point yet.


  • Reply to James C - by seeking to explore as many of the foreseeable outcomes as possible, you narrow, hopefully, the number of 'unforseeables'.

    The more land use interests/pressure from walkers, rewilders, foresters, land reformists, sheep farmers, arsonists etc we have, the more the unforeseen rears its head.

    Have we even considered any of the outcomes from banning or regulating all driven grouse shooting or do we just assume positive win:wins by default without daring to explore all the possibilities? thinkinglikeahuman.com/.../the-myth-of-win-win-in-arguments-for-conservation  

    My objective merely is to shine a light across the whole canvas, not just the excerpt that attracts the most attention markavery.info/.../guest-blog-silence-guns-rob-yorke

    Best wishes


  • James C, I’m not sure if your reference can really be regarded as scientific evidence.

    In contrast, I tried to cite (but I note that the link might not work) an important paper by the RSPB’s David Douglas and others, which highlighted the positive association between gamekeepers and curlew nesting success (Journal of Applied Ecology, 51: 194–203).

    This is consistent with the results of the GWCT’s project at Otterburn, which I also referred to: Fletcher, K., Aebischer, N.J., Baines, D., Foster, R. & Hoodless, A.N. (2010) Changes in breeding success and abundance of ground-nesting moorland birds in relation to the experimental deployment of legal predator control. Journal of Applied Ecology, 47, 263-272.

    And don’t forget: Tharme A P, Green R E, Baines D, Bainbridge I P and O’Brien M (2001). The effect of management for red grouse shooting on the population density of breeding birds on heather-dominated moorland. Journal of Applied Ecology 38: 439-457.

    To see what happens when you stop management for driven grouse shooting, see Phil Warren and Dave Baines’ paper: www.gwct.org.uk/.../warren2014

    One final point: remember the impact of predation at Langholm on hen harriers and other ground nesting birds on the previous occasion when gamekeepers were withdrawn: Baines, D., Redpath, S.M., Richardson, M., & Thirgood, S.J. (2008). The direct and indirect effects of

    predation by Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus on trends in breeding birds on a Scottish grouse moor. Ibis (Supplement 1), 150: 27-36.


    Baines, D., & Richardson, M. (2013). Hen harriers on a Scottish grouse moor: multiple factors predict breeding density and productivity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50: 1397-1405. www.gwct.org.uk/.../baines2013

  • Also I can't see how a ban would be of 'dubious viability'; not very easy to get away with burning large tracts of moorland, or closing them to the public, if a ban was in place. Strikes me as being far easier to uphold than   the ban of fox hunting is (in it's current legislative form).

  • Lazywell 'But as someone with direct involvement in such management – and proud of it – as well as being familiar with the relevant science (including your own), I still regard it as a pity that you couldn’t acknowledge the conservation benefits that unquestionably result from game management in the uplands'. As someone who is involved in moorland management (though not for grouse shooting), and who if very aware of the relevant science, I strongly dispute the claimed (please specify which ones you mean Lazywell)'conservation benefits' of upland game management. For alternatives see e.g. www.visit-eastern-moors.org.uk