I have real worries about the badger cull.  I’m not pretending that my anxiety can be as great as those farmers who are suffering when they lose their cattle to bovine TB, but I fear that the cull could make things worse.  See previous comments here, here and here. We have made detailed considered responses to the Government on this issue over a number of years.

The situation is volatile with rumours that the cull might be postponed or the pilot culls might start very soon. If they do go ahead, I am concerned at the risk of trouble. Let me be very clear about this.  The RSPB is opposed to the cull but we do not support the intimidation of farmers who are carrying out a cull under licence.  It is difficult to see how you can have a safe protest in a situation where firearms are being used, especially at night, so whilst we appreciate anyone’s right to legally and peacefully protest we urge people to consider their safety, and the safety of others, and not interfere with culling operations.

There are other ways you can show your opposition to the culls.  The first of these is through the Government e petition, anyone opposed to the cull should sign this petition, if they have not done so already.  Already over 150,000 people have signed and many have been asking what else can they do.  The petition should result in a debate in the House of Commons, which could happen as early as 25 October.

We hope that this is an informed and searching debate.  There are still many questions about the effectiveness, practicality and impact on the badger population of the pilot culls and the projected programme of control in the future.  Here are three key questions that we think MPs should be asking:

  1. How will Natural England ensure that culling does not result in local badger extinctions?  We know that badgers are very difficult to survey accurately, the cull aims to kill 70% of the population within the cull zone but there is significant variation in local populations which could result in anything from 51-100% of badgers being killed.
  2. What assessment will the Government make of the health of the remaining badger population after the pilots culls?  Owen Paterson has said the Government wants ‘healthy wildlife living alongside healthy cattle’, we strongly agree with that but the science behind culling shows that it will increase the prevalence of bovineTB in the remaining badger population. Culling badgers does not improve their health but vaccination will.
  3. How many badgers could be vaccinated with the £2 million that will be needed to police the pilot culls?   Badger vaccination is possible now, it may not be the cheapest option but opting for a contentious cull that risks making bovine TB worse may be a false economy.

It will also be important for government to ensure that concerns over biosecurity are addressed and that the red tape that is currently preventing cattle vaccination from being used in the UK is removed as swiftly as possible.

If you want to get in touch with your MP about the debate you can find out who they are and how to contact them here.

What are the key questions you think MPs should be asking about the badger cull?

It would be great to hear your views.

  • Interesting point Bob, yes it looks like the Government is committed to pursuing the two pilot culls.  Isn't it appropriate for for those don't support this to put their hand up and let the Government know?.  Isn't it also worth Parliament asking some searching questions and getting the justification, the costs and the potential pitfalls on the public record?  In addition, this is only the pilot culls,perhaps the Government has made up its mind about rolling the cull out further, but they are committed to evaluate the pilots before making a decision.  The public and parliament should be asking questions about how the effectiveness, safety and humaneness of the pilots will be assessed and about the potential impacts on the badger population if the cull is rolled out to 40 areas of the English countryside over the next few years.

  • Interesting point Bob, yes it looks like the Government is committed to pursuing the two pilot culls.  Isn't it appropriate for for those don't support this to put their hand up and let the Government know?.  Isn't it also worth Parliament asking some searching questions and getting the justification, the costs and the potential pitfalls on the public record?  In addition, this is only the pilot culls,perhaps the Government has made up its mind about rolling the cull out further, but they are committed to evaluate the pilots before making a decision.  The public and parliament should be asking questions about how the effectiveness, safety and humaneness of the pilots will be assessed and about the potential impacts on the badger population if the cull is rolled out to 40 areas of the English countryside over the next few years.

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