They do things differently in Scotland!  Deep-fried Mars bars, kilts, bagpipes and they don't get over-excited about a few large birds flapping about.

Here is an immigrant sea eagle arriving to form part of the east Scotland reintroduction project and being greeted by the Scottish Environment Minister Roseanna Cunningham (left), RSPB project officer Claire Smith, RSPB's Duncan Orr-Ewing and SNH's Director of Policy and Advice (that title would not be allowed down south!), Susan Davies.

Nineteen young sea eagles arrived from Norway on Friday and were welcomed (would that happen in Suffolk?  Actually, I bet it would!).

Environment Minister Roseanna Cunningham said: “The white tailed sea eagle was lost to Scotland in the past and we have a duty to re-establish its presence here. The East of Scotland project is building on what has already been achieved in the west for this amazing species, where it has become a huge tourist attraction.

All of this is of course about protecting and restoring our biodiversity; something that is everyone’s responsibility and to everyone’s benefit. And I am particularly pleased to welcome the chicks during what is the International Year of Biodiversity."

Susan Davies, SNH’s director of policy and advice, said: “There’s always a thrill in the air when the young eagles arrive in eastern Scotland. We are so grateful to the Norwegian people for helping us boost our numbers of these fantastic birds. These new eaglets will quickly adapt and will soon become part of the biodiversity of eastern Scotland, giving pleasure to locals and tourists alike.”

Charlie Taylor, for the Forestry Commission Scotland Tay Forest District, added: “Managing forests to provide a wide range of habitats is an important part of the Commission’s work and being able to contribute to the successful reintroduction of these awe inspiring birds really is something special. We are very pleased to welcome this year’s new arrivals and hope that they take to life in the east of Scotland."

The same applies south of the Border too! 

  • Wonderful birds - 5 weeks seems so young to be taken , do they all survive well at that age Mark ???  Wondering how it works - do they only take one chick from a nest ? I believe the sea eagles only lay two eggs ?

  • If they don't want them in Suffolk can we have them in Lincolnshire Please. That would be fantastic!!

  • Alan - I agree with the thrust of what you say but I think Nightjar is right that the Dutch birds got there under their own steam.  The spread westawrds has been slow but steady.  It would be great if the North Sea didn't form too much of a barrier to further expansion,  but my fear is that it probably does.

  • Alan - I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Dutch birds got there under their own steam, helped by the huge (5,000ha) Oostvardesplassen reserve- its important to the E Anglia Sea Eagle debate because it demonstrates that this is not just a bird of remote sea cliffs - and that it could in time reach England on its own, assuming the habitat is there.

  • Well done again to Scotland and its Government for showing the way. Lets hope this holistic view of nature and being able to think "outside the box" soon rubs off down south. Reintroduced in Holland some time ago and now to be seen just on the outskirts of Berlin in Germany, why is England always such a "stick in the mud"?