...some time in the future, when the RSPB announces that it is embarking on an ambitious campaign to make the world richer in nature, the NFU will respond as follows: 

'We welcome this campaign.   As stewards of the countryside, farmers are alarmed at the big declines in farmland birds that indicate wider declines in wildlife as a whole.  We are pleased that the RSPB works so closely with farmers carrying out free surveys for thousands of NFU members at the RSPB's expense, providing a network of advisors delivering free advice for farmers, working very closely with those farmers lucky enough to have the rarer farmland birds such as cirl buntings and stone curlews on their land and we often walk, almost hand in hand, into meetings with government ministers to ask for better designed and more effective agri-environment schemes so that millions of pounds of taxpayers' money can deliver more wildlife.  We will always be grateful to the RSPB and other wildlife NGOs for campaigning during the Comprehensive Spending Review to protect the funding for agri-environment schemes when the NFU was silent on the matter.  We recognise that the RSPB doesn't just talk about these issues, it puts its money where its mouth is and its Hope Farm project has shown beyond doubt that modern arable farming can deliver increasing farmland bird numbers if farmers do the right things.  Thats why NFU office holders are all implementing such proven measures on their own land and we are all hoping to win the prestigious Nature of Farming Award.  We are going to step up for nature with the RSPB.'.

A love of the natural world demonstrates that a person is a cultured inhabitant of planet Earth.

  • “Another world”? – Yes – most definitely!

    Whilst a country magazine – ‘Shooting Times’ is able to write the following (excerpts) – ALL in the current issue (9 March) the RSPB will NEVER be able to work in harmony with those that live, work and play in the Countryside:-

    ………. National Gamekeepers Organisation said the RSPB’s outburst was ‘completely out of order’ and that ‘law-abiding gamekeepers were fed up with being smeared by Dr Avery …..

    ………..The RSPB has next to no Hen Harriers on its own upland reserves  - does that mean that they (RSPB) them there too? …..

    ………..Dr Avery’s attitude is corrosive and harmful, and the sooner moderates within the RSPB understand the damage being done the better ………

    And Alasdair Mitchell (AM) writes in his Commentary Column ………

    The RSPB is having a little local difficulty in adapting to climate change – political climate change that is.  Evidence of this discomfort was to be seen at the receny annual Partnership Against Wildlife Crime (PAW)

    Well the article goes on and on and I’m sure Mark has read it

    Did I miss it but didn’t Mark say that he would report back to this blog about the meeting on the RSPB’s behalf.

    I’m happy to copy the rest of the articles if it helps but the case against the RSPB (and Mark) is overwhelming ……..

    And – under the sub-title “A changing tide” AM says:-

    “Unfortunately the big blue spin machine forgot that a few things have changed since their own stooges were in government”

    My sentiments completely  

    Oh and there is also a letter – RSPB blindness – referring to Dr Mark Avery and the RSPB’s ‘failure’ – after 120 years to save certain species.

    Oh and what made me laugh was a picture taken on the Isle of Mull of a Golden Eagle carrying off a lamb – the RSPB’s comment? “What this photograph does not make clear is whether this eagle has actually killed the lamb”  

    It’s another world for sure – mine’s real – what’s yours?

  • Well we would all like that Mark and whether you believe it or not I completely agree with you in principle but of course that would be a perfect world.A really good blog,thought provoking and micky taking.

    Where it all falls down in practice is that no one seems to understand that farmers will not get the grants unless doing what is demanded so that is what they do of course,unfortunately everyone not happy with that but do not blame farmers.YOU SOMEHOW HAVE TO GET THE RULES CHANGED TO WHAT YOU ALL SEEM TO WANT,REALLY SIMPLE THEN IF FARMERS DO NOT COMPLY THEY WILL NOT GET THE GRANT.

    Amidst all this fuss though do not forget that most farmers including RSPB(and Mark knows this)do not make any so called profit from these schemes they just basically cover the costs and it would be better for wildlife if people who do not understand that stopped criticising farmers unfairly because they just say sod it why try.We all know the problems,no one more so than farmers who funnily enough are there 24/7 and surely know more about it than someone who reads a biased article and takes it all on board.


    Lets have a bit of fairness.